Advice on classic era soloing

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by RaptorGesus, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. RaptorGesus Journeyman

    Which class is best at soloing gaurds in the classic era. I have no idea how to make plat in this game. All of the items worth selling are perma camped. I have limited play time but can usually get in an hour or two every other night. I figured something I can log in and kill gaurds for a bit then log out would be an easy casual approach to making some plat during classic.

    Iksar do not release in classic so for me personally necro, sk, shaman are kind of off the board as that is my fave race for those classes. But if I roll mage how do you break spawns? If I roll druid how do they make money other than ports? Can druids kill bad faction gaurds? I am not against grouping I just do not have time to wait for a spot or wait for 30 minutes for everyone to get together and start.

    Ultimately looking to casually play in classic and make a small amount of plat for either my iksar sk, pally, or ranger in kunark / velious. Not sure how to go about this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Soloing anything in Classic? Mage, and it's not even close.
    Sanduleak and Fenthen like this.
  3. RaptorGesus Journeyman

    How do you break spawn points as a mage? Or how do you solo pull?
  4. Chuuk Augur

    A few things, in my opinion:
    1. Necro or enchanter are going to be your best guard-killing options.
    2. Mages have no tools to split pulls, so you'll just have to fight guards where your mage pet can tank them all at once. Mage pets are pretty OP, so this is doable.
    3. If you make an Erudite necro, you can kill paineel guards the easiest. They are low level and drop like 11p worth of stuff per kill.
    4. Druids can kill evil guards, but it's just not as effective as with a necro or enchanter.
    5. There aren't a ton of really good guard killing spots like on P99...believe they bumped up resists on many of them.
  5. Aziuno Augur

    Your most time effective farming method for plat if you only have a few hours a week is

    This is not meant to be a troll, just the harsh reality. Working an extra hour or two and buying a krono will get you a few months wroth of your 'hour or two every other night' - and will let you actually play the game, be it quest, level, group, explore, socialize with friends
    Overcast451 and code-zero like this.
  6. MMOer Augur

    Not everyone thinks or plays like this.

    Add "also cus its fun" to all below.

    For me, the end game always was and is farming for wealth and trade and economy.

    I group for exp to level and loot to make me stronger.

    I group for loot when exp is done.

    I solo for loot.

    I raid, so I can get better gear that will allow me to kill better fast harder things for loot.

    To me the end game of EQ was always grinding and farming loot either solo or in groups.

    To sell, and build wealth.

    Game devs forgot this and don't even put commerce or trade in their games. Then there is no end game and people can not figure out why and move on.
  7. MMOer Augur

    Guards were never a great way of making plat.

    Know how I make the most plat starting out? Grouping.

    With the new culture (thank god) of need all, you now have a shot at loot.

    Where as before only if your class could use it, simply because 90% people like and say they need in a pub group if using NBG. So glad Need all won out 5 years ago in that culture war. The kronolords are strong and powerful ;p

    You BEST strategy is a class that is wanted in groups AND can solo for loot effectively.

    So no cleric. No Bard.

    You want a pet class Mage or Necro. These are most beginner friendly solo and most adaptable. Next is druids and shamans. Both can solo very well as well. Mage, necro, and druid are my fav for solo class. Druid because ports are invaluable for checking open camps. They can solo inside and outside.

    Enc can be king #1 BD soloer but if you are asking this you are not ready for that.

    If you box, it makes SOLO easier... even just one box.

    A druid + any DPS is good.

    A shaman + any DPS is good.

    Monks are great once you add a regen and heals. They are no down time DPS and with heals it takes away their only thing for solo grinding that holds them back. Shaman + monk goes Brrrrrrrrrrr.

    A Cleric + Enchanter is GOD. Hands down the best. To expand.. enc only heel is charm breaks and getting damage. Cleric solves this with HP buffs and heals. Enc charms a pet... cleric buffs pet and Enc HP. Cleric Complete heals the NPC PET MASSIVE HP POOL. It is super mana effeciant.. plus the best haste, slows, mana regen, and CC. All bases covered. Not to mention 1 pet can be like having the dps of 4 monks. This is why they are king combo.

    Also, if you 2 box.. while In group with main... have tunnel mule in auctions selling your loot and Buying deals and reselling.. Doin the Tunnel Hustle.
    code-zero likes this.
  8. Aziuno Augur

    you are right, he should spend his 3-6 hours he has a week in Everquest, killing guards for a total of 80 plat.

    Edit: OP literally posts and outlines he doesn't have time to play on a TLP really, these types of players will either not make it to end game or need to trade money for time.
    code-zero likes this.
  9. Aziuno Augur

    Your advice for someone who has 6 hours a week and wants to play alone, is to play more so he stays ahead of the curve of items desired, and play 2 characters.

    You really did not read his post, and his available time.
    code-zero likes this.
  10. RaptorGesus Journeyman

    Oof I totally forgot to add this is on a takp server. So December 2002 client. Classic is 6 to 9 months so even a casual like me can slowly progress and it matter without further expansions unlocking forever putting me into a catch-up position. This is why i dumped TLPs and went to this server.
  11. Captain Video Augur

    You're playing on an illegal pirate server and coming to an official EQ forum to ask established EQ veterans for advice? Stupidity fail.
    code-zero, OldTimeEQ1 and Aziuno like this.
  12. Aziuno Augur

    sounds like a dead server after 2 weeks. People get bored quick. That's why TLP's are sooo much better than WoW classic timeline
  13. Dixa Augur

    eh...if you don't actually play all of these mmorpgs as I do, do not make such ridiculous claims.

    wow's classic era servers - the ones still in vanilla and never advanced to tbc - have a much higher population than all of the current eq tlp's put together 4 years on. show me a single tlp that is stuck in no-expansion era eq for that long with any population at all. and i'm not even counting the new hardcore server here.
  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  15. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Nope. Charm class + snare class is better, and you swarm-charm. No heals needed, at all.

    And if you use a druid, you have charm + snare both covered. But can only charm animals.
  16. Chuuk Augur

    Oooo, you're playing on Quarm I see...well, yea, this is the wrong forum for that. TAKP / Quarm / P99 use a much older client so many of the spells / abilities / mobs / etc. are completely different.

    Guards are heavily camped on those "original" type servers because Kronos aren't a thing, guards drop some good coin, and there's no (legal) boxing. Fair warning though - it might seem casual that the server takes 6-9 months in Classic, but you're going to need all that time because EXP rates are much slower. Plus, you have about 1500-2000 active individual players (again, very difficult to box w/o getting caught) plowing thru early Classic right now without pickzones, so it's nearly impossible to even find a mob to kill, let alone a profitable one. I have a L5 shaman there now and that took like 10 hours played.

    That being said, my favorite spot to hunt on P99 (Quarm will be similar) were Qeynos guards in West Karana. They were never really camped much on P99 Green and you can start around L30. If you are a "good" race and kill the evil ones, they drop a bracer you can turn in for EXP - and it gives about as much EXP as killing one of the L30 guards.
  17. Phased Sullon Zek Lorekeeper

    Also playing on Project Quarm now after spending the past 8 years playing on TLPs. Feels like I'm playing a completely different game now, really makes me realize what a low effort cash grab the TLPs are.
    Sanduleak likes this.
  18. Chuuk Augur

    It's pretty sweet! Just absolute chaos right now...a couple days ago I was in Inno Swamp with like 43 other people btwn L1 and L5...couldn't even find a rat to kill, ha.
    Should become fun in a few weeks when people level up and spread out.
  19. Dixa Augur

    weird. my experience is the opposite. playing those servers shows me how easy the old game was for those in the know, how needlessly brutal some things were (by way of time investment not actual challenge) and how much was lazily ripped from TorilMUD. i prefer the modern game with gloomingdeep and mercenaries, but only to a point. after about 85-90 the game really lost it's focus - too many aa's, too many spells, lazy difficulty increases which just boiled down to more resists, higher hp and higher mob damage. I would love a TLP locked to 85 and SoD era.