New EverQuest Show Episode!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by I_Love_My_Bandwidth, Sep 29, 2023.

  1. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

  2. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Ok so not a full episode, but Fading is back at it. :)
    -----Cinexa----- and Hobs like this.
  3. Fading Illusion Augur

    Thanks for posting this! Indeed I'm back at it! I still have great interviews with Brasse, Vhalen, Thom Terrazas and many more that i cant wait to bring you.

    Not to mention the BIG EXCITING news that will be coming our way soon.

    In the last 6 months I've moved and changed work schedules, but now I'm able to get some content out....

    Next few episodes will feature :
    -Interview with Brasse
    -Fan Faires/SOE Lives through the years
    -Vhalen's immense knowledge and lore, specifically where certain NPCs came from and keeping the lore in tact between games.
    - Interview with Thom Terrazas
    - A top secrett EQ project
    - More EG7 analysis and the future of mmos by past and present Stewards of EQ

    And lots more! Thanks for the support and I'll try to keep content flowing!

    Ephyr, Nniki, Hobs and 4 others like this.
  4. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I hope the loss of one key developer and the rumored loss of another two don't hamper what DPG/DBG has planned for us.
    CrazyLarth likes this.
  5. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I always enjoy Fading's content, and I look forward to the next installment, whether that's next week or next year.
    Brontus and Sissruukk like this.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I heard a rumor that there are many other developers in the world looking for jobs and might just fill one of these rumors err positions. :D
    Hobs likes this.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    There's always EQ rumours, Smed is on his way back to head up EQ3, Scott Hartsmann is working on EQ3 code and other completely unfounded nonsense (those were going around a year ago).

    EQ has always had a somewhat fluid workforce & tbh it has from the outside looking in been more stable the past 5 years.
    But a tenure at SOE/Daybreak has been a fantastic launchpad, pun intended, onwards to a career in games creation, heck even players of EQ have gone on to jobs in the industry, even after pretty inflammatory rhetoric you might think would disqualify them.

    Never say never though.
    Hobs, Nennius and CatsPaws like this.
  8. jeskola pheerie

    Also to a career in awesome t-shirt creation:
    Skuz likes this.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Who's gone now?
  10. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    In addition to the three I had mentioned earlier. Qwalla is now gone also.
    Skuz likes this.
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Thank you. You are a true professional.
    Skuz likes this.
  12. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Anyone know where Qwalla went? I'm tempted to think of Australia but there are other options I suppose.
    Skuz, Yinla and Brontus like this.
  13. Marton Augur

  14. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    Qwalla is now working as game designer for Zenimax on The Elder Scrolls Online MMORPG. I really liked her. She was friendly and liked to communicate with players.
    Hobs, Barton, Sissruukk and 3 others like this.
  15. Hobs Elder

    Well that sucks for us but I don't blame her. I have a strong feeling that they were suppressing her ideas creativity while severely limiting what she was allowed to do. I really liked her as well and enjoyed our chats in Discord.
    Brontus likes this.
  16. Ephyr Lorekeeper

    Glad to hear! I was just recently wondering this. I am looking forward to the next release.
    Hobs likes this.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Not good. :(
    Brontus, Hobs and Skuz like this.
  18. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Also not bad. Fresh eyes mean fresh ideas.
  19. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Qwalla was still relatively new, coming in at ToL. It was Qwalla that put in the fun item drops in VT, and Qwalla that put in the mercenary items in Darklight. I think Qwalla did a really good job as a dev and was creative and tried to make it fun for us as well.
    Nennius, Hobs, Marton and 1 other person like this.
  20. Fading Illusion Augur

    Another update with all the Producer's Letter news, along with a sneak peak at the upcoming episode!