These Enchanter Changes are Required

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by A Broken Golem, Sep 20, 2023.

  1. A Broken Golem New Member

    I would like to propose the following changes (mostly around charm) to the Enchanter class:
    1. All charm spells should last their full duration
    2. On the termination of a charm either naturally or deliberately, the mob should go into a confused state that acts as a stun for 10 seconds. On completion of this confused state the mob should have no threat table and will aggro as its nature dictates
    3. Charmed pets should be affected by Greater Pet Hold if the player invests into the Companion's Discipline AA
    4. All charm spells should be unresistable
    5. Charm spells should have a flat 4 second cast time but are susceptible to cast-time reduction through focus effects
    6. Charmed pets should do the same damage as they do when not charmed
    7. Charm spells should be impervious to dispel from any creature
    8. Dire Charm should charm up to the level of the Enchanter and last until the Enchanter leaves the zone or dies. I'm OK with the current cooldown
    9. Call of the Hero should not break charm and the pet should warp with the player to his new location
    10. If the type of pet is a Warrior, Knight or Ranger, the Enchanter should be able to have the pet Taunt it's active target
    11. Mesmerise spells should affect mobs up to the level of the Enchanter
    12. Enchanters should not be affected by their own area-of-effect Mesmerise
    13. Area-of-effect stuns should be decoupled from their shared cooldown
    I feel these changes would bring the enjoyment back into playing an Enchanter.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The enchanter class isn't powerful enough as it is?
    Overcast451, Vetis, Brildon and 5 others like this.
  3. Barton The Mischievous

    Required... Nope and some of those are a huge nope
    If anything Enchanter needs to be further balanced for TLP's
    Overcast451, Vetis and Rijacki like this.
  4. Mikana Augur

    OP should do stand-up :)
    VitaminD likes this.
  5. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Quality satire right there.
    Sokanist, Appren, Kaenneth and 4 others like this.
  6. Slaps Journeyman

    1) - Please no, this is what makes charming fun as you have to actively watch the character instead of just having an easy god mode pet. ( use the unresistable charm ?? )
    2) - I could get behind this but again it really defeats the purpose of charming and the danger it is suppose to have behind it.
    3) I completely agree on this.
    4) NO NO NO NO NO. --- this will make everyone play enchanters more so than they already do.
    5) NO
    6) NO, They already do insane damage.
    7) NO
    8) Makes it way OP, I disagree wholeheartely.
    9) I agree, the CoTH change they made to charms really is annoying and should be reverted.
    10) No, they already generate enough aggro due to the dps they provide.
    11) Not sure I could get behind this either, Kunark is when you have a few sets of NPCs that require the higher level mez and making this change would eliminate that and also the mana cost associated to it.
    12 ) Who uses AoE MEZ??? -- Use color spray like a normal person and remez. -- This change is not needed.
    13) - YES YES YES YES, CHANGE IT BACK- The change to allow only 1 color spray spell to be used made it so boxers/botters are the only ones really capable of AoEing and really kills the joy of AoEing come luclin for AA's.
  7. Ash W. New Member

  8. Rounlin Best Pizza in Norrath!

    as an enchanter myself, Id be happy with just charming more things on raids.. Kunark - frog or a shroom, Velious nothing, Luclin nothing, PoP nothing, Gates (one thing), Omens (one thing), DoN nothing
  9. JergensLivingston Journeyman

    i want what this brother is smoking
  10. KobalWR Lorekeeper

    I'm not sure if it is a troll or not... I mean, why boost a class that is already the most useful one during the first 5 expansions?
    Enchanters should be nerfed further, not given more tools to do all the content by themselves. Or bards should be given the ability to provide more CC in order to compete with enchanters in that role.
    Looking for enchanters while leveling is a pain. Groups breaking because the enchanter left is another annoying thing most people experience sooner or later.
    Having such a need of enchanters in a group is very bad for the game.
    Rijacki likes this.
  11. Tucoh Augur

    Fantastic list, can confirmed they are required. Let me add one other required item:
    • Enchanters should be able to charm players, grouped or ungrouped.
    Skuz and Appren like this.
  12. A Broken Golem New Member

    I forgot a few other items:
    1. We need to be able to be invisible (any form) and have our charmed pet retain its charm and also go invisible with us
    2. Related to the above point, allow us to simply click off our charm on the pet buff window in a similar fashion to buffs on the pet
    3. Fix the Show Pet Names option on the Display tab. At the moment (if the option is unchecked) when a pet comes out of charm its name re-appears which is correct. However when you re-charm, the name does not disappear again to honour the Show Pet Names option being unchecked. This seems to only be a problem with your own charm pets
    4. Add a tag to the Extended Target Window for Other Player Charm Pet. Have these auto-populate from the group if there are any charm pets when you attribute 1 or more slots with this tag type. When a pet is no longer charmed it would not be eligible for the slot and the slot would clear similar to when your own pet dies or loses charm and you have assigned a slot to My Pet
    5. Remove Enchanter DoTs from stacking groups with other classes. If I remember correctly, the enchanter Asphyxiate line of spells does not stack with one of the Necromancer lines. It's not a big issue but seeing how poorly many raid necromancers perform on DoT up-time, I'd like it decoupled
    Thanks you for your time.
  13. Vetis Augur

    All the above average Enchanter's do. AOE Mez is insanely good.
  14. Vetis Augur

    Oh bro you forgot one, just make it so you can recast the unresistable full duration charm before it breaks and it always lands so you can infinitely charm a pet without breaks.
    Barton and Skuz like this.
  15. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Also forgot the 15 rank AA line that lets you charm additional pets, I want my old UO tamer mode asap
    Skuz likes this.
  16. eqfanforlife Elder

    Actually PoP is peak for enchanters, there are lots of things to charm that make the chanter top DPS.
  17. Lineater Augur

    Not in raids. They're top dps in group content.