NPC won't give me task/quest

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Philphans, Sep 21, 2023.

  1. Philphans Lorekeeper

    Category: Other [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Thu Sep 21 18:19:58 2023

    Character: Level 117 Shaman (Main)
    Zone: POK
    Location: 1148.00, 466.00, -0.30, 121.00

    Description: i originally petitioned this and they asked me to enter a bug report. Unable to get "the Blood of Brell" quest. NPC Kerst Frostrift responds. "i don't think you're ready to talk about that. To even get started with this,you'll need a Blessed or Sacred Serillis Prayer Shawl/ do you have one? or did you happen to lose it? if i say lose it gives me an option to claim another one, but since i already have it and it is lore i cannot.
  2. Kendeth Augur

    Just to double check, are you wearing the shawl when you try to request the task?
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Pre-requisites for requesting:
    - Wear your shawl.
    - Completed "The New Tanann Merchant's Alliance"
    - Completed Coldain Shawl 2.0 group version OR raid version

  4. Philphans Lorekeeper

    Hi guys, Appreciate the help i am coming back from a 10 year absence.

    I am wearing the shawl and it is unaugged.
    i am 300(unmodded) on the base 7 skills
    When i try to get the new tanann merchant alliance quest and say the phrase 'I have some more goods?' , he responds i'm glad to hear that shall we get started , followed by Sorry Philphans i don't have anything for someone with your abilities.
  5. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Are you using Allah's as a reference? If so there are some comments that are exactly what you are getting. Look for the ones by "Drakh" - he was having same response from Kerst. Says he:

    Completed Shawl 2.0 #7 and returned to Kerst.
    Said Jobs,
    Said rumor about a relic
    and was given The Blood of Brell Quest. Shawl 3.0 #1 skipping this pre-quest.