Overseer lag is becoming unbearable

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, Jun 10, 2023.

  1. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Allow Iconic Agents of all ranks be converted to a tradeable item that people can reclaim. Add an AA or XP reward for retiring Elite agents.

    Allow Iconic Agents like Santug Claugg to be retired. There is no reason for them not to be.
    Metanis and Andarriel like this.
  2. error Augur

    I was under the impression that all uncommon and higher agents were iconic but I stand corrected, there's a subset of uncommon agents that are non-iconic. Regardless, even without duplicates you have a massive excess of job level 3 agents. The only things you'd ever realistically run out of are rares and elites which are 100% iconic agents. Even that's only happened to me on a couple occasions, both post-autofill because it has a tendency to assign elites where a rare or even uncommon would suffice.
  3. Fian Augur

    I would argue that the simplest solution is a toggle that prevents critical successes from giving you additional agents. Then, at least, the problem won't get any worse.
    Jondalar likes this.
  4. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea still doesnt fix the problem. What they really need is a MASS conversion and that will help fix alot of the lag but when you starting getting alot of agents the problem is it takes too long to convert when its only 3 at a time.
  5. Metanis Bad Company

    The "fix" would be a better data structure that requires less CPU and network time. The amount of data which Overseer needs to manipulate is vanishingly small in modern terms.
    Kaenneth and Wulfhere like this.
  6. KarmaKitty Augur

    I would be happy if they just tossed the Nth copy as long as I could pick N (or N was in the
    5-9 range).

    I have not selected a recruitment task in ages. Get everything via quest rewards. Frequently
    getting two as well.
  7. bigpapa Augur

    having max duplicated agents set at 4 or 5 would fix the problem for me , and if they had mass conversion on top of that it would be great.
    Nennius and KarmaKitty like this.
  8. Fian Augur

    Patch improved Overseer lag times. Did a quick test. Starting a quest that normally takes about 7 seconds, now takes about 5. It is an improvement, but it doesn't eliminate the need to auto-reduce the number of duplicates.
    Cairbrae, klanderso and Nennius like this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Agreed. Better here as well. Thank you devs.
    Cairbrae and klanderso like this.