Mischief MAG+BST?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vexosis, Sep 18, 2023.

  1. Vexosis Journeyman

    How viable is a MAG+BST duo in SoD? I'm thinking of returning to the game and I'm considering maining a mage. I'm leaning toward a BST or possibly a NEC to duo with it but I don't know much about how the classes work in this era. I'm also open to other classes I was just thinking a dual pet duo would be fun. Any suggestions?
  2. Chopsuey Augur

    It would be fine. I always recommend a bard box + whatever main class. They are just so good and have synergy with every class. Add in merc's, tank merc's to start out with up to 60-65 then switch to heal mercs or tank + heal til your mage pet gets strong enough to tank stuff.
  3. Vexosis Journeyman

    You make a good point. I might have to reconsider my BST selection or just convince one of my friends to play bard this time around
  4. smokedog New Member

    Enchanter would be the best box but requires more attention. I am currently leveling one if you want someone to group with. IGN = Fezzler.
  5. Lineater Augur

    If mag+bst sounds fun, play that. Sounds perfectly viable to me. It's a good time to try them. From what I've been told, their pets get a nice power bump in SoD. Plus twincast for the mage. Another class with a summoned pet + swarm AA's also complements the mage's "of many" line nicely. Mage can provide the BST pet with toys.
  6. Domniatric Augur

    It's a good duo. Add a healer merc into the mix and you'd be able to do a lot of stuff on your own.

    Getting Jolt of Many to your second tier (3 pets) would be a big dmg boost to your mage. So you or the BST can swarm to do that. Or, you beastlord can try using the pet proc augment.

    And for a burn you can try to reach 7+ pets by using a combination of AA swarms/spells swarms/pet proc augs.

    Tapping into the "of many" line is where mage power lies and their damage is a bit gimped without it.
  7. Vexosis Journeyman

    Thanks for this info! I've never played a mage or bst in any serious manner so this is really helpful!
  8. Bullsnooze Augur

    For me, double pet classes would get tedious, especially when one is melee focused.

    If you were to 'main' the Beastlord it wouldn't be too bad, but still meh.

    I'd recommend a Bard for both as their songs will fill in the gaps (Crowd Control (both), Snare (both), and Slow (MAG)), while providing an excellent boost to their base kit(s). If you add in mercenaries you have an extremely potent group.