Spells Revamp

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cloud the Third, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. Cloud the Third Augur

    You don't need stats for the spell. It is more of a cast pyre and it grabs the highest version of the stacking group for that spell. I do understand there is overlap so for the pyre one there is 2 spell lines in that ranking system so that is a flaw if you wanted to say click an aa and use the stacking rank to get the latest but that is just a small problem overall and most of those stacking lines are just a single spell type and has nothing to do but how the spell stacks with a higher rank of the same spell.

    So in the long run it would be better for them to duplicate stacking system but change it to spell line and that way for the pyre line you have 2 groups of spell ranking tag instead of a stacking rank. Then when you cast that spell line spell it finds the highest level of that spell line and cast it and then does the stacking rank logic.

    Clearly not all dots in the same line won't stack with each other and those types of spells this wouldn't have any meaning to do for.

    I guess yaulp aa for clerics is the best way to show what needs to be done even if it means making all spells a clicky hotkey aa instead of a real scribed spell for the common spell lines.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And that is done with spell groups not with buff stacking groups. As I have been saying stacking groups can and do include multiple different spell lines as well as buffs and debuffs.
  3. Cloud the Third Augur

    I get that I was just showing that they have similar type of logic for what I was saying. I didn't say it was a perfect match for what should be done. Just that the logic is already there for a similar thing in many areas.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure, but spells blocking each other don't mean that they have any relation to each other when it comes to a player casting them. Yes they have done work on grouping spells in regards to having buffs/debuffs stacking but that is different then grouping spells based on a specific class getting them and casting them. Not to mention there are exceptions to the rules such as cleric spell haste when lower levels are better then higher levels.
  5. Cloud the Third Augur

  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd be happy with just a name change that each level of spell just gets number on the end instead of a completely different name for both disks and spells. Some are obvious which are the direct upgrade some are not.
    Cloud the Fourth likes this.