Was the nerf to PHs intentional or a bug with the patch?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Swiss, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. Swiss Augur

    Haven't checked every camp/zone yet but looks like quite a few are missing PHs in firefall after the patch. 1 diabo PH only mob in the camp now, maybe 1/4 the igneous insect PHs others replaced by mobs, rock lobber has no PHs I can find, 1 PH for thorn petal camp.

    Looks like a massive bug from this patch I hope we aren't expected to just sit and wait for month(s) to fix this.
  2. Riou EQResource

    Ngreth mentioned it in a different thread, so probably

  3. Dilquan Augur

    Just amazing to me how there is no testing. Lets just throw garbage and hope it sticks. Wow.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. Swiss Augur

    May be possible they were tinkering with it but it wasn't in patch notes and Diabo camp is now literally 1 mob. If this is intentional then I have so many more questions about why.

    That dev post is also a reply to the extreme rarity of t1 augs so reducing named even more would be a slap in the face as a reply lol.
  5. Brickhaus Augur

    It is only a bug if the rare spawn chance wasn't modified to fit the new ph number. Rares missing any ph would be a bug as well of course.

    I personally prefer fewer (1-3) phs for named in a decently tight cluster, especially if the respawn timers continue to be low. But I'm probably in the minority on this.
    minimind likes this.
  6. Swiss Augur

    Anyone play on test server that noticed if these PHs were changed there for the past week? Should be fairly obvious for diabo camp at least since it is only 1 akhevan total now even if just passing through.
  7. Danladil Elder

    I just logged into test FFP has full spawn of Akhevan mobs
    Swiss likes this.
  8. mele mayhem New Member

    if this was intenional it makes exping in t1 pointless, and pretty makes half the expac pointless how is that a good thing
  9. Allayna Augur


    This is a pretty comical answer to my post saying that nameds spawn at a 1% or less rate, and then the augs in T1 are at about a 10 fold rarer rate.
  10. Bigstomp Augur

    I can't comment on others, but sharp claw has been about what I expect given RNG (and all ph's exist)
  11. Allayna Augur

    What server?

    On Bristlebane:
    I'm seeing all PH and trash, save 1 mob, removed from Diabo camp.
    Bedrock Burrower has far fewer PHs.
    Rock Lobber as well.
    Igneous Insect, same.
    The difference, is with the other camps they replaced PHs with trash, with Diabo, they just removed all the mobs except 1.
    Swiss likes this.
  12. Knifen Augur

    So let me play this out in my head. The complaint was the rarity of augs in T1, and instead of increasing the chance of the augs dropping they removed ph so you have a lower chance to get a named and same low chance of getting aug? Gotta kinda giggle at this.
    Swiss and Fenthen like this.
  13. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Fewer place holders does not mean fewer named if the named rate is set properly. If you have five placeholders with a 1% chance of a named per placeholder death and change that to one placeholder with a 5% chance of named per placeholder death, for example.

    The number of placeholders has more effects on the game than just the named spawn chance, also. It changes the dynamics of the camp, both for xp and for named hunting.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and minimind like this.
  14. Knifen Augur

    Fair enough, but thats "assuming" the named spawn rate was increased.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Fenthen like this.
  15. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Example #436 of "the beatings will continue until morale improves" ;)
    Metanis and Nennius like this.
  16. Knifen Augur

    So glad I stuck to it at the start on both toons to get all the augs.
  17. Swiss Augur

    Sadly it seems like the tangleweaver change where less PHs with the same spawn rate per PH as before the change. But maybe it was the 4 groups I talked to while camping a named myself all had bad luck yesterday, that's happened to us before so wouldn't surprise me and would be good to see more people's experience.
  18. Tach200 Journeyman

    The vanishing PHs is comically dumb, but I'm sure all the developers are busy making ridiculous multi-colored familiars.
    Metanis and Fenthen like this.
  19. Cloud the Third Augur

    Has anyone tried to sacrifice a gnome? I find after camping a named for over 4 hours that if you can get a gnome in the zone and kill it the named spawns right away.

    There was a post by a dev in bug forum that this was due to beta flag being on the ph and noone noticed so it only spawned in beta and doesn't on live. So they are working on a hotfix to get the missing mobs back in (some of them were reduced on purpose and spawn rate increased).
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    Sharp claw is my most common camp, and nothing has changed. And this is on Bristlebane.