Another Returning Player Asking for Advice

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by anthraciteMT, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. anthraciteMT Journeyman

    Hi everyone,

    I have been hijacking threads over the past few days, and figured it was about time I create my own and ask whatever I have left to ask, as well as clarify on some other topics from other threads.

    1a) I'm going to re-activate my subscription to Gold. I currently do not have the game installed. Does the order of install --> re-activate (or vice versa) matter? I wasn't sure if I installed first, then re-activated, if it would be incomplete for whatever reason due to different account types now.

    1b) As for installing, is there a preference to where I download from? I remember downloading from the Everquest site a few years back, but had to re-download it once or twice because there was an issue regarding the launcher. I chalked it up as a fluke due to bad luck and never had a problem again. I heard recently, that EQ1 is now available on Steam (a program I use often), which is nice since I played DCUO on there last year. But just a few months ago, I re-downloaded DCUO through Steam, and I couldn't get past the SOE logo after the install. I went on the forums as well as contacted Steam, and I never found an answer regarding my issue. Is there any specific benefit of using one over the other? Primarily, is one easier to install over the other?

    1c) If I ever choose to "box" two accounts on a single computer, will one installation method prevent me from doing so? I was just thinking about this, from the other thread in this sub-forum regarding "best duo box", that if I were to ever plan on boxing, I would just alt-tab and re-open another instance of Everquest 1. I wasn't sure if this would even be possible, if I played this through Steam.

    2) Last I played was I think Christmas time of 2008 until Spring of 2009 (10 year anniversary). Any big significant changes to Everquest since then, off the top of your head that I should know about?

    3) I'm on Morell-Thule server (now Erollisi Marr), and have been since the beginning. Is this still a healthy server to continue to grow on? Although I have some sentimental value attached to this server, I really have nothing keeping me there, besides my original character.

    4) Any other thoughts or suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate.

    Thank you in advance.
  2. huadmer Lorekeeper

    1a. Does not matter.

    1b. Download eq from the eq site.

    1c. Will not effect you.

    2. None that I can think of that are big significant changes.

    3. Will let others answer.

    4. Take your time and enjoy your stay and do not try and rush to the end.
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  3. Yther Augur

    1a) No
    1b) I always use SoE, download patcher at
    1c) No clue on Steam, no problem with SoE installation, but I did think Steam only sold licenses and not downloads. But again, I don't know.

    2) read the patch notes of the newer expansions linked there EDIT: DPS mercs only thing that comes to mind.

    3) No clue

    Yther Ore.
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  4. anthraciteMT Journeyman


    I do plan on taking my time, Thank you!

    EDIT: When I re-activated a few years ago, I took use of the new Cleric merc for leveling when I could not find a group.

    I've read in a few threads, that people actually recommend the Warrior merc more-so. Is this dependent on the class you're playing, or is the Warrior merc just better for lower levels?
  5. huadmer Lorekeeper

    war merc provides more dps and also needs no heals till later (60-65)
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  6. anthraciteMT Journeyman

    Ah, okay I understand now.

    Thank you again huadmer.
  7. Crystilla Augur


    You can get a sense of general population values by looking at the server status screen connected to these forums. Erollisi Marr is usually in the middle (rarely hitting empty/low and only sometimes hitting high). Feel free to look me up when you're in game and I can probably answer any questions you might have, both on the guilds of old and current status, etc.
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  8. anthraciteMT Journeyman


    Hi Crystilla,

    I actually just went through your "Valorguard" thread under the Guild Recruitment sub-forum yesterday, and really liked how it's been updated

    I greatly appreciate you offering your time to a complete stranger, this is one of the things I dearly missed about EverQuest compared to other MMOs that I have dabbled in over the years: community.

    I will definitely keep you in mind, and hopefully one day when I get into the upper echelons of the game, you and Valorguard will still be around.
  9. Yther Augur

    4: Some links that might be helpful:
    Discussion about mercs:
    Mercenary page:

    From an old post, but still useful links:
    By far, the stickied thread, and running the in-game tutorial are the best bets for learning the very basics of the game, as well reading the included manuals (see below). Other than what Tripodvi has said, here are some other links.

    Maybe this thread, but not positive on good it is, I never went to the link, but replies gave it favorable reviews.

    All EQ related WIki Pages might be useful. The Wikibase link to the left is a shorter list and probably a better one to start with, but use the other if you don't find what you're looking for there.

    Do the in-game Tutorial it will get you a long way on the user interface features and how to manipulate your toon and interact with the EQ world.

    If, when you get around to tradeskills, EQ Traders is an awesome site, but some of their Learn a Skill articles are out dated now with some of the particular tradeskill revamps, but they still give a good idea on the mechanics of tradeskills, even if the example recipes are out of date.

    Thread about game terms and abbreviations.

    An overview of the quest system(s).

    Overview of Instanced Zones.

    There are user manuals that come with the game and can often be found online as well. Here are the names of soem of them:
    • everquest_manual.txt
    • eqmanual_supplement.txt
    • eqmanual_supplement.doc
    • Darkhollow_Manual.pdf
    • Omens_MANUAL.pdf
    • Gates_Manual.pdf
    • TSS_Manual.pdf
    • The_Buried_Sea_Manual.pdf
    • Secrets_of_Faydwer_Manual.pdf

    List of Patch Notes for last 4 or 5 expansions.

    EQ Atlas (mirror site) - good source for printable maps (not in-game maps, as the rest of the links are about) Mirror in case EQAtlas is still down.

    How to Download and Install Maps

    More about Maps

    Yther Ore.
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  10. anthraciteMT Journeyman


    Thank you for the extra information. It is greatly appreciated.

    Is Allakhazam a safe website? I for some reason recall having an issue with their website regarding pop-ups a LONG time ago, but that may have been a coincidence with my own lack of computer knowledge.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on where to level with a merc? I have a 69 Ranger, decently geared. I've been using a Cleric merc as I already had one set up from the last time I was playing. I've only been to Crypt of Decay because it was the only place that was familiar to me. I've read in other threads that people recommend the Hole and Splitpaw (I think), but I have on idea how to get there.

    I did not think it would bother me, but I am a little (very minor) discouraged at how the community has been. Four years ago, I remember how shocked I was when the people in General chat were so helpful and forthcoming. I made a few good friends, random people who went out of their way to help me get back into the game. My fondest memory still is when a group of randoms helped me take down a mob during the 10th Anniversary event, that got me my very first Fabled weapon. I went into the zone, saw that the mob was up, but unfortunately had no friends online. I asked General, which was a last resort because I didn't want to lose the opportunity, and to my surprise a few people immediately ran over and helped me in my cause. It was the last day of the event, and will forever be one of my fondest memories of the game. I understand that another four years is a long time, but I guess I did not expect so many responses from people to irk me. When I ask questions, majority of the answers are people telling me to "Alt+F4" or "/exit". I feel like I am playing a different game almost.

    I know people are going to suggest getting into a Guild of some sorts, but I have not really had the chance to meet new people yet.
  11. NickDanger Elder

    Plane of Fire C2 is a great place for a Ranger to headshot for exp. The only downside is that it is SO good, that it is frequently permacamped on some servers
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  12. anthraciteMT Journeyman

    Hi NickDanger,

    I have heard of this place before. I don't even know what "C2" means, as my only experience into Plane of Fire has been a little wandering around in the open areas by the zone.

    I also do not remember how Headshot works. I think I was going to dabble in it last time I played, years ago, as I noticed that I have a few AA ranks into it. But now that I am back, I haven't re-researched it.
  13. Crystilla Augur

    General chat will have a number of friendly folks, but there are a few vocals in there as well and a few smart alec's who I swear like to torture kittens for fun.

    Looks like I won't be back in game now until Friday night and Saturday evening, but will look for you.

    Map wise, if you have something copied down (mapquest is still available from back then), when you open the map window, upper right hand corner has a button which will help direct you on how to get from any zone in game to any zone in game.

    ~ There is one or two pickup style raids that take place now on Erollisi Marr (2-4 pickup raids a week I think). You are a bit low level wise for one of them I'm aware of currently. The old channel used to be puraid:emarr and I know the new one that's used the last month or two is puvoa. But gives some potential offerings for the future as well.
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  14. anthraciteMT Journeyman

    Thank you crystilla for the reply, you're always very informative.

    I went to Velkator's Labyrinth a few days ago, because it is one of my favorite zones. To my surprise, I saw two Valorguards in there, both level 100, I think one was a Bard. I've also seen a few running through PoK, wearing gear that looked amazing. Reminds me of when I used to run through East Commons tunnel, and see all these higher level characters with gear that I could only dream of.
  15. Yther Augur high damage passive proc-like AA, that will generally kill any humanoid in the level range when it procs, unless really high HPs or high level. At 69, you'll probably need 4 ranks of the 6 you can get, to be able to Headshot experience mobs.

    I /ignore the annoying people in general.

    Allakhazam is pretty safe. Every once in a while they get a virus in an ad, or have pop ups, but most of the time, they don't. Alot of that is more to blame on the Ad service they use, and you can avoid ads altogether by going premium. You can also use Ad-blocker and other stuff to keep from seeing the ads. It's one of the few sites with alot (mostly complete database of items, quest, monsters, etc.).

    You won't be able to Headshot in Plane of Fire until 80, but it's good exp melee-ing in the upper 60s and 70s. C2 is Castle 2, and is in the SW (bottom left) corner of the zone. See

    While at mapfiend, you may want to go to Mapfiend Map Packs and Select All Maps and hit the Download button. Then read Usng Winzip for you Mapfiend map packs then if you need to, read Setting Folder Permissions to allow installation of maps.

    Yther Ore.
    anthraciteMT likes this.
  16. anthraciteMT Journeyman

    Thank you again Yther.

    I will definitely check out Plane of Fire next time I play, I could use the change of scenery. I think last time I was there I was too low level, I think low 60's. I'm looking forward to see how I do now that I am quite a few levels higher.

    I think I have four ranks of Headshot already. I understand that the target has to be Humanoid, but is there any other way to determine if it's an eligible target, regarding their level? For example, if I con a target does it have to be green or light blue, or is that an inaccurate rule of thumb?
  17. Kurayami Augur

    General has its uses, some people are good in Emarr general, some are nonchalant, and some men just want to watch the world burn. Just take it with a grain of salt and should be fine there.

    The pickup raid channel lately has been puvoa, they require you be level 90 to come. I am not sure about other raids, but they have regularly been having raids on Saturday at 4 pm PST and Sunday at 8 pm PST. The targets have been VoA based. In my short time attending these pickup raids, seen 3 argath wins, no valley wins yet. We do keep getting better every valley run though.

    I am on that server as Kurayami, if you decide to bother doing your epic 2.0 and get to the point of needing the globe of discordant energy, feel free to shoot me a tell. There are many in general who would help you as well, wiping out CoA is no big deal nowadays.
  18. Yther Augur

    /Con won't be real helpful, except, that once you get a few ranks in, and are maxed for your level, then greens will always be good. It gets better (less level difference between you and max mob level) as you level and keep it maxed, mostly. But never to the point of being able to Headshot Dark Blue cons. The best way to figure out, is to either look the specific mobs up or mobs within a level range using the Alla bestiary search at

    Direction to get to C2 once in PoFire: but at your level, C1 should be good enough.

    Yther Ore.
  19. anthraciteMT Journeyman

    Pick up raids definitely sounds like it'd be fun. Thank you for the specifics on the requirements and what not.
    I would love to continue with my Epics, as I have both my 1.0's. From my understanding, there are 1.5's, 2.0's, and 2.5's (augment?). I will start researching into this soon.
    I really appreciate you offering help, I will add you to my friends list and send you a greeting if I see you on. My ranger's name is Shyrra.


    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

    I just remembered I used to also frequent a Ranger website for Everquest, I think it was Outrider. I haven't had time to look through it more thoroughly, but it looks completely different than I remember and hopefully it is still active.
  20. Kurayami Augur

    Yea, you are correct, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 . Most classes are content to stop at their 2.0, as the 2.5 offers no real benefit this late in the game. Great example of this, SK 2.5 offers like 5 more damage to the super outdated ratio of the 2.0. I have my 2.5, but that is only because I helped a couple necroes get their 2.5 and had it drop on the way. Necromancers are the only class I know of that actually benefits from having a 2.5, I'm almost positive it does no good for rangers.
    anthraciteMT likes this.