Dragon's Hoard should be great

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Szilent, Jul 15, 2023.

  1. Szilent Augur

    but it's not, because it's too small.

    The Big Idea, as I understand it, is that folks can stash their character's mementos & deeply inactive inventory in a way that unburdens the game servers. But it's insufficient to that purpose because characters accumulate more stuff over time than it accommodates.

    Dragon's Hoard should get bigger as characters get more developed by introducing a natural, non-/marketplace way to expand the Hoard. (paying the marketplace for a feature whose primary benefit is to the game service and not to the player is super f'ing sus, btw) To wit, containers over some basic size should be destructively convertible to Hoard capacity. Like, smoke a 22 slot bag : +2 Hoard slots. Slag a 24 slot for +4 slots. If one wanted to get a little fancier and also keep nutters from getting nutty with it, the capacity increases could be achievement rewards so that each conversion is unique. 10 nerdpoints:

    "[ ] pay Tavid Dennant 1000 Chronobines to destroy your Featherweight Hunter's Trunk, increasing the capacity of your Dragon's Hoard"

    There are a kind've a lot of those bags to track, of course (by my quick search, ~170some), but I see that as an upside. Firstly, the Dragon's Hoard needs that scale of expansion. Further, though, including all those older bags in the scheme would leverage the existing depth of EverQuest's content.

    separately, as has come up elsewhere - Dragon's Hoard ought to make an /outputfile of its contents automatically on closing the window. /findit should have a toggle to include that local file in its results.
    Rexa and Yinla like this.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Maybe if the right person complains about it on the right media forum.....
  3. kizant Augur

    I don't know. Sure it isn't just hoarders with this problem? Mine isn't even close to full and my regular bank is mostly empty.
  4. Szilent Augur

    "the problem" is certainly subject to definition, but I think Daybreak largely likes players with the impulse to pile up - all the Hero's Forge ornamentation sets, for instance.
  5. Brickhaus Augur

    No it shouldn't. Dragon's Hoard was introduced about 10 years too late and for the product that it is, there's really no amount of cheap or even free storage to make it very valuable to a majority of players. Development in "bonus" Dragon's Hoard slots would be like creating bags for the older hunter achievements ... just things that take up space in your favorite storage place, instead of any real use for Live players.

    The primary failure for Dragon's Hoard is the lack of a decent interface (yes, the Find Item window is much better interface, but now you are using a second window to interact with the product...and it's still not super). The second failure is the lack of others access ... rare is the player who focuses on one toon so it makes anything you place inside a black hole.

    Perhaps for TLP characters, with small bags and lack of bank space (they don't get all the Live bank slots do they?), it makes sense to use it, assuming they can (don't play on TLPs).

    For people with large storage needs, housing just works better, particularly since you can just own your own neighborhoods and co-own houses for unlimited storage. It's why the Tradeskill Depot isn't that great either (although at least that gives you larger stacks so there is something value added that isn't available anywhere else).

    I'd be okay for development on Dragon's Hoard if Daybreak (and EQ) was big enough that the money earned by better Dragon's Hoard development could fund the actual developer who does the work ... but EQ isn't that big. We'd just get fewer resources in other areas and those matter to me.
  6. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Pretty stupid they made hoard like a max of 250 or something but the TS depot is at 5000. They missed the boat on the hoard the only things its good for is storing stuff you will never need or to put another lore item so you can have a total of 3. Which works great for us traders. Hoard/Shared/normal item slot.
    Yinla likes this.
  7. Riou EQResource

    I didn't mind too much the paying for more storage, but it is a really tiny amount and cap, it definitely should be increased
    Andarriel likes this.
  8. Szilent Augur

    items placed in others' properties don't show up on /findit no matter where your character is or what boxes are checked

    self and others' properties can't be accessed except in the housing zones

    and using housing for storage bloats your character file, impacting game performance
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Hoard could do with an upgrade for sure.
    Andarriel likes this.
  10. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    I think Dragon's Hoard will never combat what it was intended to do. Here is why:

    1. Increasing the number of bag slots and availability/access to bags over the years. This just kept giving people more reason to hoard.

    2. Increasing the limits on stacks. This also just kept giving people more reason to hoard across all toons.

    3. Quest pieces that never poof. Yes, people like me keep hanging on to dumb things from well over 10 years ago thinking that those quests will magically get completed some day - but they don't.

    4. Making the final tier of raid gear be TS gear, giving people access to all TS, etc. all contribute to hoarding.

    5. Continuously flooding the marketplace with objects beyond what can go or fit on keyrings.

    6. "Bonus" ornaments that pop up on virtually any toon you log into for some special occasion or calendar event.

    I think something has to give at some point. For starters, any quest-related pieces (that are not tradeable) should have a finite amount of time before they expire/poof. Maybe make it something reasonable like a month.

    Perhaps also implement a program to trade items in for plat or gems. I recall this was done with old expansions like with plane of hate gear - and where it was turned in for gems that could be sold. I realize a lot of things can be turned in for tribute, but even the tribute has a maximum capacity where it locks. Many guilds (and even people for that matter) are capped on both personal and guild tribute. I personally am capped on all my toons, lol.
  11. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Dragon's Hoard was a nice idea, but it missed one important issue, which is why I've never even opened the DH window on any of my chars.

    Many players box/play many alts. I'm not interested in any storage plan that requires a particular character to log in to get an item for another character (not to mention having to KNOW which char has the item). That's why I don't have storage mules, and why I've never used DH. Or the tradeskill depot. Now, the Guild tradeskill depot was very interesting (all my chars are in the same guild), but, alas, that proposed feature has yet to see the light of day.

    Until they come up with a solution that solves this issue, I'll keep using housing. It's the most flexible solution there is. Everything share-able is available to all chars at all times. All I need personal bank space for is NO DROP items, or items which will never be shared with other chars. A bank full of 24 bags all with at least 24 slots in each, is plenty for my chars to use for storage.
  12. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    There are ways to fix this.

    For quest items where it is "collect 10 No Trade items from mob corpses and turn them it", the best answer is to not have the items exist at all and just updated the quest when you kill the mobs. This has been done for some quests where it randomly decides on mob death whether the mob "had" the item and just updates when it decides it did. So we know this is possible.

    For other quest items were you get one of them somehow (from the quest NPC or other ways), the answer is to require them all to be turned in to complete the quest, so you are not left with them after the quest. This is also done on some quests.

    There is an inconsistency about this process. It's like some Devs understand this issue and design their quests to deal with it and other Devs don't. There should be a design document for quests (and really everything in EQ should have a design document) that states best practices that should be followed and this is one of them.
    Nennius, Kendeth and Szilent like this.
  13. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Dragon's Hoard is so underwhelming that I forgot it was there until this post.
    Andarriel, Fanra and Tatanka like this.
  14. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    I personally love the feature. I'm a hoarder. Hero's Forge, tradeskill items, t1 attunables, power sources, purity augs, pre-made potions, food & drink - I hoard it all. Having the full number of slots unlocked on my main account has received a lot of mileage for me. I was all too happy to support the game by taking advantage of this feature.
    Wulfhere likes this.
  15. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yes it just should be bigger than 250 slots max. Why cant it be more like the TS Depot?