dead guild?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Christopher12821, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. Christopher12821 New Member

    I am currently in a guild that has a guild leader that has not logged in since 2012 and the last officer on logged on in 2018. is there anything i can do as a guild member to become an officer or leader of the guild to try and revive it? i have been in this guild since 2004 and was an officer when i left. they must have demoted me when i had to step away for a few years due to life
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    The /usurp command can be used by a senior officer to become guild leader. The current guild must have no leader, or the current leader must have been offline for at least one year.
    Also, officers can take leadership of the guild with the /usurp command if no leader or senior officers have been online in the past year.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  3. Christopher12821 New Member

    unfortunately this cannot be used since i am no longer an officer
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

    Then it's a dead guild. GMs can't intervene on guild leadership.
  5. Christopher12821 New Member

    there must be something someone can do, i contacted the old guild leader and he said i could have the guild but he is unwilling to log in to transfer leadership
  6. Soulbanshee Augur

    Nope, until we got the ursurp command a few years ago, guilds were just dead once the leader was gone. Unless theres someone to promote you to a senior officer.
  7. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    And this is why they no longer assist with any Guild changes. To be blunt there is only your word he said you could have the guild.

    What if they went with that and then he does log in and says he never said that. They flat out don't want to deal with the entire guild debates.

    It is odd he would not take a few minutes to log in and transfer ownership. It not like the game will bite him when he logs in :D
    KermittheFroglok likes this.
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I'm a little confused here...are you saying that you're the only guildmember still actively logging in? Or are there others still logging in? If there are others, are none of them officers that can use the /usurp command?

    If it's only you logging in, I'd say clear out the bank of whatever you can use/need and start up a new guild. If there are others, but none are officers, then do the same thing and start a new guild with them if they want to.
    CrazyLarth and CatsPaws like this.
  9. Agrippa Augur

    I had been somewhat interested in trying to get something going with "Novices of xxx." Any player is completely free to join any of those guilds on any servers that have the guild lobby available. I had thought that it would have been nice to be able to help newer players and for lower level grouping and such. I'd bet that almost all of those guilds have had no leadership available for a long time, but many are active.
  10. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You do understand that "Novices of" guilds are the in-game automatic guilds to give new players access to a guildhall/teleporter, right?. There's no leadership because it's not an actual player guild.
  11. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Yes, these are specific to each server ie Novices of Tunare or Novices of Luclin etc. You are granted membership in them thru this quest Guilds & The Guild Lobby

    It was basically added for returning players whose guilds have gone defunct to allow access to the port feature. You will have access to the Standard Guild Hall, which is the door on the right by Magus. You must zone into the guild one time for other things to work, like removing yourself from the guild.

    There are no officers. You can use the guild banker to put stuff in that you don't want and others might. Personal banker is there as are the tradeskill equipment. The Npc who is parcel merchant and seller of distillers for augs and the port stone seller are there just like a normal guild hall.

    Many players now just chose to make their own guild if they are all access since you only need yourself now. Unless you want to do a custom guild hall/neighborhood and then you need 10 and they can all be alts.
    KermittheFroglok likes this.
  12. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    IMO, the /usurp command should have just allowed Members to make themselves Officers if no officers or higher have been active in a year, and allowed Officers and higher to promote themselves if no one higher then they are has been online for a year. Never demoting anyone, unless there are 3 guild leaders who have not been on in over a year at which point the newest of the 3 (the max # allowed) guild leaders would be demoted.

    I also think that a guild leader should be able to promote people to the rank of co-leader up to the max of 3 total leaders.

    If you are actually in contact with the old guild leader, and he doesn't want to go through the hassle of logging in (likely because he no longer has the game on his current system) to transfer leadership, why not just have him give you the login info so you can log in and transfer leadership yourself?
    Yinla likes this.
  13. KermittheFroglok Augur

    That would be a terms of service violation, and the GL is probably unlikely to share their personal passwords and compromise their DBG account.

    The entire issue with members making themselves senior officers or leader is that it later turns into a "who's more entitled" to be the new leader when more dedicated past members hop on after a prolonged absence and find someone low rank or even barely involved usurped control. If you weren't active enough back in the day to get your peers give you control/access to more, then why do you deserve it now? I don't see how being the most recent person to jump on really establishes that.

    Candidly, I think it's ridiculous for someone to think they're entitled to a defunct guild's control if they never made it past "member" or lower tier "officer".

    If you were somehow super active and never got promoted, then I think you should question why you were in a guild that didn't recognize your efforts. Same goes for any guild that didn't have senior officers or a continuity plan, that's something you should keep an eye out for before committing your time to a guild.
  14. Owch Crotchety SOB

    I suspect the OP bailed on this thread. As others have said, the guild is in limbo unless/until an officer comes back to usurp command.
    If I were that attached to the guild name, I'd just leave the guild and make a new one with a similar sounding name. Recycled guild names, or partially so, are a thing. Look how many tulip guilds recycle theirs every year.
  15. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur


    It doesn't turn into anything. The people coming back after a prolonged absence are by definition not more dedicated, had they been more dedicated then the players would not have been capable of using the command because there would have been officers on at some point to have prevented them the ability. They abandoned the guild for crying out loud, that is the antithesis of being dedicated. How active you are also has nothing to do with getting promoted in any guild, it is all a matter of who the guild leader likes, nothing more. It's not like you get promoted simply because you are active.
    Also, there is nothing in this conversation that has anything to do with just being the most recent person to login. The OP just said he is part of a guild whose leader has not logged on in over 11 years and the last officer to log on was 5 years ago. It is entirely possible for there to be tens of peole who are part of the guild the whole time. The OP just wants to see if they can do something to help their guild be able to make use of the many benefits that the lack of a guild leader and/or officer has made inaccessible to them all. That initiative is literally all that it takes to make that person more than worth of taking over the guild.

    It is ridiculous to think that someone thinks that they are entitled to control something which they have abandoned. If it was any kind of organization in any reality, there would not be anything preventing members from taking the initiative and assuming control when all the previous leadership abandoned them.

    The vast majority of the most active people in guilds are never officers or the leaders. The members are regularly the most active in any guild. Getting promoted to the rank of officer is about who the guild leader likes the most or trusts the most. It has nothing to do with who is the most active or even necessarily competent. Some guilds have raid leaders that are just members.

    You call someone entitled for wanting to get their guild access to features that the guild does not have because of the inactivity of the guild leader and officers. But then you think that they should assume that they would be promoted to an officer just because they were active in the guild?

    The Leader of the guild in the OP post stopped playing in 2012, well before there even was a Senior Officer rank, so it was impossible for them to make any. Then the last officer stopped playing in 2018, again well before the /usurp command was even a possiblity. In all likelihood, the GL leaving wasn't planned and they simply never returned.
  16. Monkeychunks Augur

    I am sure many of us who left the game when guilds were strong and were a mainstay of the game still feel a connection to that guild when we return many years later. Its called nostalgia.

    However, the game is far advanced from those days and there are other ways to obtain guild benefits. You do not have to stay in or try to maintain an old guild. Hanging onto an old guild again is just nostalgia.

    Guild reputation counts for very little now days. Not like in the past where if a guild member acted rudely or whatever then the Guild leader would reprimand him.

    Other than maybe the name, I see no reason between being able to create your own guild or joining that server one to get upset over the old guild being unobtainable.

    I was in a few of the top guilds and the remnants of those guilds are pale replicas of the players/guilds of the past. The few players that are left in them that used to be brother raiders do not even remember most of the other guild members.
  17. Ellis Elder

    The last game I played transferred leadership automatically if guilds leaders didn't log in after a certain amount of time. And it's a hell of a lot quicker than 11 years, or even 1 year. If someone isn't logging in there's no reason they should remain in control of the guild.
  18. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I think the powers that be look at it like the guild leader is the owner, he made it and so it belongs to him, kinda like if I build a car but stop driving it that does not mean someone else can come along in a year or ten and drive off with it.

    There is so much contention that is guild related in this game that I don't think they have any choice but to be totally hands off. And I agree. Like the OP says, guild leader still has access but chooses not to turn it over.