Regarding server transfer and epic ornament

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by sk8jack, Jul 7, 2023.

  1. sk8jack Journeyman

    Greetings all, I have a question regarding the server first epic ornament which are displayed in Northern Felwithe, one for each class who was the first to complete An Epic Request/Retelling.

    On Coirnav server I had obtained the server-first epic ornament for my class previously, and there is a plaque in Northern Felwithe which would indicate that the ornament was first obtained by me, upon clicking on the plaque.

    As Coirnav will be merged to Vox soon, and from what I understand, after the merger all server-first of the epic ornaments in Coirnav will be transferred to Vox as well.
    Assuming if I were to transfer to another server other than Vox, will my epic ornament plaque still goes to Vox, or will it follows me to the server that I have transferred to? Or will it be gone entirely?

  2. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    This was addressed by a developer some time ago, but I don't remember which one - was it Niente? They made a script that combined the epic ornament plaques that credit both the players that got server firsts, and demonstrated it on the forums, but I don't know if it was actually implemented in game. If someone can remember better than me maybe they can find the post, and you can try to get the developer's attention and see if that script made it into the game.
    sk8jack and Szilent like this.
  3. Szilent Augur

    "your" plaque goes where the server goes, not where your player goes.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. sk8jack Journeyman

    Say if I were to transfer to another server before Coirnav officially merge to Vox, my ornament plaque still get transferred to Vox? Is that correct?
  5. Disapointed Lorekeeper

    no,likely your plaque will die with the server, since your server will land on a server that undoubtedly finished it before you did.
  6. Act of Valor The Newest Member

  7. Szilent Augur

    as with previous mergers, the name will be added to the plaque on the destination server