What's on your EQ QoL wishlist for 2023?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hobs, Jul 6, 2023.

  1. Hobs Elder

    What would you guys want most in EQ in 2023 as far as QOL, in game improvements and even things like marketing and the in game marketplace?

    For me as a long time boxer it would be making boxing easier especially getting around with auto follow. It would be nice if they had a way to incorporate some of the good things from those programs that can't be named without adding what they consider game breaking or cheating.

    Campfires could use an update in my opinion including making them bigger, making the timer for the clicky shorter and letting one person set the campfire. Superior campfires would be nice as well.

    Making killing mobs for XP be less of grindfest as a means to level would be nice too. The XP per kill ratio from 110+ is just horrendous.

    Marketing stuff has gotten better but I still think they have room to improve and the Marketplace especially could use an overhaul both in selection and pricing.

    and last but not least although it'll probably never happen again is account to account transfers. Unfortunately the people that abused it in the past make this highly unlikely but it would be a big revenue stream for Daybreak.

    Please keep things civil so the thread doesn't get locked and we can have a friendly and possibly useful conversation that the devs might actually read and take some things into consideration from but aside from that any ideas or thoughts are welcome.

    Iven likes this.
  2. Knifen Augur

    Pick Up Raid Banners, non guild related.
    Lothar, Ozon, Lubianx and 4 others like this.
  3. Brickhaus Augur

    Eliminating QoL threads in the forums.
    Metanis likes this.
  4. Riou EQResource

    Ability Consolidation - deleting like half of the hot bars that are required to play
    Gugagan, Dre., Metanis and 8 others like this.
  5. Hobs Elder

    Hotbar bloat is pretty bad even with mash keys and multibinds
    Metanis, Allayna and Aenvar like this.
  6. Maedhros High King

    Ability for a raid leader to adjust groups without locking the raid.
    The only good use for the lock feature is when I forget to hide alts in the guild management tool before I push the invite all to raid button.
    Vaniddar, Dre., Metanis and 6 others like this.
  7. Modulus New Member

    I'd love to see the ability to add in nicknames to account on the launcher. A lot of my accounts names don't have anything to do with the characters that are on them so being able to have something like:
    "Bard account" and "Shaman account" instead of "icecreamisgreat1" or "spiderman6969".
  8. Cicelee Augur

    Give us more ways to obtain currency for type 5 augments instead of repeating the same four missions 60 times or whatever during the course of a year. Merc/partisan completions, hunter completions, collection completions, named drop, etc. Missions can still be the primary source for half/two thirds of the currency, but doing the same four missions on clear #47 knowing you still have 13 more clears to go is bleh.
  9. Razorfall Augur

    Or the ability to have nicknames in chat instead of your account name. If they do, look out for "Scubatankfilledwithfart" in chat.
    Flatchy likes this.
  10. Gigobyte Pretty Good Person

    How about making older items more in line with Defiant gear...farming items is fun.
    Also, since some people like Live servers but do not care for end game stuff, maybe make one toon. able to enter instances or make it so we can have multiple mercenaries at one time.
    I would also like to see vendors have more older non-farmed items in-stock even if it is limited and refreshes daily or weekly.
    I would like to be able play without having to multi-box, like it used to be...no, I have no desire to play TLP, I haven't seen all of EQ LIve (Stopped playing after Pop and recently came back).
    Revamp the appearances and outfits, add capes, cloaks, and shoulders.
    Be able to sheath your weapons.
  11. thenagel New Member

    1 - the ability to do a 'find' on the character select screen, so i don't have to hop from toon to toon to toon on account after account just to find the 1 lil doodad i need at the moment that i had 8 months ago and don't have any idea where i stored it at the time.
    2 - the ability to make bacon sandwiches. actually, i just need to be given the job of helping the tradeskill dev come up with ideas. i even have a sub-combine path in mind already.
    we can make chocolate bacon and bacon soda (ew). why can't we make bacon sandwiches? it's a common request when i'm talking about snacks.
    Dre. and Hobs like this.
  12. Nennius Curmudgeon

    A UI that doesn't need workarounds to retain previous functionality. Oh, and better ale.
    Metanis, Koshk, Angahran and 2 others like this.
  13. Marton Augur


    Have the buff applied to every character in a raid instance, done.

    Edit: Also, group players got screwed, no 'improved' banner for them after 6 months ...
    Hobitses likes this.
  14. Koutarou_E'ci Elder

    Reexamination of commands that are prohibited while you are corpsehovering.

    A number of commands like /time have no good reason to not work.
    Dre., Xyroff-cazic. and Nennius like this.
  15. Ythera Augur

    1. A /command to pick up and place the guild banner so I don't have to open the guild manager every time.
    2. Faster raids. The raids are too slow. The mobs have too many hitpoints. It takes too long to get through the raid and it's exhausting and makes me not want to log in.
    3. Lower mob dps. While raiding, if a tank doesn't pick up an add, I have at most 3-5 seconds to live with full current expansion raid gear and all the appropriate buffs and defensive aas. If the tank picks up a few adds, the tank may very well be crushed. This leads int:
    4. Increase the cost of healing spells. With mobs doing lower dps, you can more easily react to and heal a person without it playing like a twitch based shooter game. By increasing the cost of healing spells to a point where it actually can drain a healer of mana to cast them, it then makes casting heals a decision instead of just something you mindlessly spam. Your demographic is aging and their reflexes are slowing. The game should be adjusted to play a bit slower to match this. There used to be a sweet spot where the game wasn't too slow or too fast.
  16. Opal Journeyman

    make all raids soloable. thanks!
    Ozadar and CatsPaws like this.
  17. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    The #1 thing I would like to see is the TLC removed from the game so any level has a chance at Beryl or other level restricted drops. I mean most of us are 120 and why should we have to shroud or create more alts just for that. To keep us high level folks out of those low zones? Then make it drop in other zones too.

    The Fellowship campfire as mentioned is a good idea, although I think a minimum of 2 players would be better. Cause if you decrease it to just 1 then may as well find or make a porter/coh'r
    Annastasya, Angahran and Hobitses like this.
  18. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Or let us non raiders use mercs. Not everyone in the game raids but we are locked out of raid stuff
  19. kookoo Augur

    overseer :
    have common agents stack max at 4 or 5 .

    have a MASS common agents conversion .
    YesPLease, Toukan, Koshk and 3 others like this.
  20. Monkeychunks Augur

    Trivial Loot code and campfire votes here too.

    But what do you mean here Gigobyte?

    I would like to be able play without having to multi-box, like it used to be

    The only time I remember not boxing in the past was when we had groups available.
    Hobitses likes this.