Level 100 and Lower Prestige Items Useless?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Wolfman Jack, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. Bigstomp Augur

    The game is largely built around having players who are paying (in some way or form - actual payment, kronos, ect).
    I do think the prestige tags should decay with time but as others said, it's really only a silver player issue - I think realistically EQ is a free to chat game, but to actually play you need to pay in some way.
    Nennius likes this.
  2. blood & gufts Augur

    If you had wanted to play at start, you would not be able to, if you did not suscribe.

    So people who is f2p gets more than enough!!
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I suggested this and got roasted for advocating for "freeloaders". :)
  4. Bobokin Augur

    That's not how opportunity costs work. If I want an item in the marketplace, I no longer have the money for a subscription.

    You really believe you have the right to tell me where to spend my money? More importantly, you believe you know what is best for my kids to purchase? Think again.

    There is a market for games, and Daybreak is losing big time to other games partially because they cater to retired military personnel with six bot or box accounts. If they want my cash, or my kids' cash, they have to do better.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    In that case you can chose to subscribe and get the benefits of prestige items, 500 DBC cash monthly and a 10% discount as well as other benefits or you can chose to just buy things from the marketplace and lose out on all of that.

    No matter how you look at it subscribing is a better deal overall and it sill lets you save up money to buy items from the marketplace.

    I am not telling you how you where to spend your money, just pointing out that a subscription gives you a lot more then individual purchases from the marketplace ever will and it still lets you purchase things from the marketplace for cheaper.
    Corwyhn Lionheart, Yinla and Sunawar like this.
  6. Monkeychunks Augur

    Yeah, my kids really enjoy the fact that Steam itself is free but every game in it is $4.99 and then you have to get bonus packs. I would rather have them play EQ and learn that you can get thru some games free. But if you want to good stuff then you will have to work for it.
    Sunawar likes this.
  7. Bobokin Augur

    Fair enough; I understand your point, but my kids don't play enough to make it worthwhile to go all access, and prestige makes purchasing the new expacks a waste of money.

    It is far too much a hassle to switch armor and augs every time they switch from AA to silver and back again. Keep in mind that my kids played EQ when from the time they were tiny tots, and that was when they needed a sub, so they have put a lot into building this game. Now they help build others.
  8. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I'd be fully in favor of item unlockers from DBC store.
    Warpeace likes this.
  9. WorriedinNorrath Elder

    I would love to subscribe with multiple accounts and equip prestige items. The problem is the developers have made changes in the past few expansions that make boxing a named extremely difficult. So I'm happy slumming it in older expansions and wearing non-prestige gear.
  10. Kirab Lorekeeper

    They should turn heroes forge armor into a single buy account wide option, then offer a single character only prestige unlock. So you can pay once, and after that your character is flagged as prestige.

    I know a lot of people rotate accounts to have all access on, and it sucks to have to have 2 sets of gear for every character for when they are on a month when you swapped which account gets gold, and they can seany if their gear.

    I think I'd be willing to pay a 1 time fee of 25 to 50 bucks to fully unlock prestige armor and augs permanent for a single character.

    Alternative I liked the idea that all expansions up to the f2p expansion have prestige removed and the current top f20 expansion still has raid gear locked as prestige but group loot unlocked.
  11. YesPLease New Member

    Maybe once an expansion moves to FTP, all the gear from that expansion should switch to non-prestige.
    Bernel likes this.
  12. Bigstomp Augur

    Just give them money for the accounts you care about.
    If you assume time is money it's probably cheaper.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  13. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Wish they just get rid of FTP altogether!
    Yinla likes this.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    You seem to be telling folks folks where to not spend money. You want them all to get more sub features in FTP.

    So you are saying they are catering to folks who are not you so that is wrong? You seem to indicate other games are out there... consider going to them? Ahhh... you want to play EQ so you believe Daybreak should cater to your specific needs... not sure that is how it works.

    Not sure where you get the idea the game caters to retired military personnel. That sounds more like you have a personal issue with someone who is retired military. And if DB does cater to retired military personnel I think thats a good thing and glad some game is doing it (though I really don't think DB is).

    Go play a game that is all about micro transactions and you can buy unlockers for everything. Of course those games usually require A LOT of unlockers and make you pay for most cosmetics. and keys to lock boxes for loot Why? Because they make all their money on micro transactions.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Anyone who cannot afford to pay for a sub is not going to spend substantial money on the game otherwise.

    I guess my suggestion is go play those games that give you everything for free. Seems to be the best solution instead of coming to a game that makes its money primarily from subscriptions and asking for all the important stuff to be included in free to play.
  16. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Seems to me the answer is don't buy the expansion packs and how is the fact that your kids dont play enough to justify all access a reason to give free to play more access like prestige gear?

    If someone can't be bothered to keep T1 gear for when they dont sub so they can play free then maybe don't play?

    Why change anything in the game for such infrequent players? Makes no sense to me.
  17. Bobokin Augur

    I have two lifetime subs, and my wife has another that she subs about half of the year. We have played since 1999. We have paid our dues, and made plenty of expansion and store purchases. Our kids, on the other hand, and their friends and cousins, do not see Everquest as a viable option regardless of their decade of play from each of them. Everquest was a social game, but it isn't any more because there have not been upgrades to prestige items and FTP cannot earn either experience or AAs, so their is no incentive to play - or purchase expacks, perks, or anything in the store.

    Perhaps because many people who play Everquest are retired or close to it, and many of them are ex-military ... at least many I have met.

    I don't have any personal issues with retired military personnel, so that is a non-starter. In fact, my family, friends, and coworkers are mostly veterans - some with their 20+ in and others not. Some are still in the military in high ranking and prestigious postings. Your comment was out of line.
  18. Bobokin Augur

    T1 gear without augs is crap, and you know it, and forget player made or raid gear. If a player cannot earn experience or wear anything the character loots, why play?

    They don't play for free; at least they didn't. Expansion packs and store purchases were purchased with hard cash. They were All Access for years, but when they dropped back to silver, the game mechanics made playing an awful experience, so why purchase expacks and store items? And yeah, now they don't play. That's the point.

    That is a short sighted statement to say the least, but don't cry when the prices increase because the player base shrinks heavily in years to come as attrition takes its toll.