fun expansions or storylines to hit while lvling?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Kirab, Jul 1, 2023.

  1. Kirab Lorekeeper

    Im going to be rolling a new trio to level , paladin , bard , beastlord +3 mercs. I've experienced everything from classic to omens of war enough times , that this time I plan to primary level those low levels through TSS.

    Beyond that I have a big gap from OoW to EOK where I came back to EQ , I hit the hottest zones to level up (so... Gribbles primarily) to catch up to my guild in EOK then got shuffled around with them to TBL.

    This time around I plan to play casually, use my "mains" bank account to boost my paladins gear level if I hit any walls along the way, and enjoy the ride.

    So just curious what are some people's favorite parts of the game? Ive heard about Oceangreen Hills or something like that is fun, and it offers a pre-qeynos storyline with the gnolls Soni for sure want to check that out.
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

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  3. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Dragons of Norrath - I wouldn't say this is particularly great content, but the benefits of completing progression in this expansion last forever - of norrath progression (you have to pick either good or evil side, end result rewards are identical)

    Depths of Darkhollow - The best of the level 70 expansions. The Skull of Den Lord Rakban questline will send you all over the expansion doing a bunch of group missions.

    Prophecy of Ro - objectively one of the least popular expansions ever released. Skip it. If you really want to do something from PoR, maybe the level 70 Aura quest lines. and But yeah tbh just skip PoR.

    The Serpent's Spine - Serpent Seeker's Charm of Lore (note that finishing this requires raid kills you could come back and finish later at a higher level) and Wanderlust Guild Loadstone

    The Buried Sea - Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand Also if you really want to do a bunch of TBS group missions, Tsaph Katta's Urn of Rejuvenation (this item is pretty useless and takes a lot of effort, the missions are decent though)

    Secrets of Faydwer - Ancient Faycite Bone Circum (similar to the Urn above this is a ton of group missions and some of them are pretty fun, but it's a lot of effort for a reward that is useless at higher levels). Purified Flawless Faycite Triad Reconstructed Wereorc Head

    From Seeds of Destruction on it's easier to follow along in the achievement window to find good stuff to do and I'm too lazy to link them all. But briefly:

    SoD - has a few quested augs with good questlines, like Blood of the Fallen, Dark Soul Crystal, Bayle's Heraldic Crest. Also has Timeshear if you enjoy doing tons of missions for an ultimately useless trophy item. Good content though!

    Underfoot - one of EQ's peak expansions. Coldain shawl 2.0 if you can stomach the tradeskilling to get there. Challenging missions, great zone designs.

    House of Thule - I love this expansion, although it's overall pretty easy. Just do the standard progression lines. The group missions in HoT are mostly well designed imo.

    Veil of Alaris - this expansion starts EQ's trend of having "mini-raid" type group missions. Scaled down versions of raids that are intended for 6 players, often with raid-esque mechanics like emotes, nasty effects to cure, running around to avoid the bad stuff, etc. These are fun for full groups, sometimes the challenge is frustrating for boxed groups though. Great and huge expansion overall.

    Rain of Fear - another great expansion. The first tier of content is mostly Velious revamp zones, but tier 2 and 3 have great zones. I'd recommend anyone stopping to "smell the EQ roses" do all the progression in RoF. The last group mission in each zone will be like VoA - a mini-raid with raid-like mechanics and it may be too difficult for a boxer.

    Call of the Forsaken - not a huge fan of CoTF. It's great for xp and catching up on gear. Overall the HA content is repetitive and not my favorite flavor of EQ. Some of the group missions are fun. Argin-Hiz is a good zone.

    The Darkened Sea - zone design is great, mission design is not. Some of the TDS zones are aesthetically awesome - Caverns of Endless Song is really pretty (some boxers hate this zone due to navigating a mix of land/sea in unpredictable tunnels). Thuliasaur Island has great dinosaur model mobs. The missions/quests in TDS are uninspiring though. "Run over here and kill 10 trash mobs, then run over THERE and kill 15 trash mobs, then fight a boss who is very slightly harder than a trash mob" is pretty much the gist of every TDS group mission.

    The Broken Mirror - great aesthetic in the Demiplane of Life/Decay zones. Overall a very small expansion. Out of 7 TBM zones, 5 of them are using recycled geometry and the only truly "new" zone is used twice via Demiplane of Life and its sister copycat zone Demiplane of Decay (same zone, different mobs). Another great expansion for catching up on gear though.

    EoK+ I haven't played yet. Mangler server is hitting EoK later this month.
    Dre. likes this.
  4. Kirab Lorekeeper

    Awesome, great info from both of you. Thanks a lot for the help, definitely have a lot to look forward to this play through.