Challenger Acct Perk: A Failed Experiment

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fell, Jun 17, 2023.

  1. Fell Augur

    "Never Lose a Level!"

    I don't know who thought that entirely removing the death penalty was a good idea, but it's time to acknowledge this perk should have never seen daylight. Since it was implemented, the number of corpses littering zones has increased ten-fold -- and why not? Who cares if you die? Who cares if you die 100x? On the new TLP, we now have boxers and even single individuals bind-rushing some lower-level raid mobs, and max-level characters making art-design trails of corpses for the sheer fun of it. The entire basis of the game is predicated on there being some sort of consequence for bad decisions -- and DBG has removed that.

    I realize the perk is quite popular, and this thread will be inundated with responses from those claiming they love it. But what those people won't do is revisit this thread when they bored and wander away, over a vague sense the game has become trivial, banal, and rather pointless. (the box farmers who profit the most off this perk won't of course ... but they depend entirely upon those more casual players).

    If DBG absolutely must monetize this most essential game mechanic, please do it in a sensible manner. How about at least limiting your $4/m purchase to "no exp loss for your first death of each day?" That would still be at least as popular, and would be more sensible than allowing someone essentially a limitless number of death without consequence.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  2. Imukai Augur

    I like the perk. It saves me grinding a 20% buffer before going back to AA farming.

    Also most of your complaint can be resolved with /hidecorpse
  3. Bobokin Augur

    It is a pay to win cheat that should never have been put in the game, but you like it, so it is ok.

    /hidecorpse hides more than just dead characters.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Grinding Playing overseer for buffer xp is what makes the game challenging these days!
    Fian and Numiko like this.
  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    What a load of nonsense. It doesn't give you any XP you didn't already earn, so how in the blue blazes is it pay to win?

    You die, you lose 10%. You get a 96% rez, you wind up down 0.4%. Oh the humanity!

    You take about 25 of those deaths/rezzes, and you can get the lost XP (a whopping 1%) by doing >1< Overseer mission. I have to go back YEARS to add up 25 deaths.

    The only mystery about this perk is why anyone would pay for it. There's no value there, since it fixes a problem which pretty much doesn't exist.

    And no complaining about not being able to get a rez. Everyone can get a healer merc, so nobody is locked out of getting a timely rez.

    And for the last possible issue, you're working through something particularly thorny and dying a lot while you're figuring it out. Well, everybody gets the Veteran AA which gives all your corpses a 100% rez. So, experiment your socks off for 3 hours, hit the Vet AA button, and viola! You have all your XP back.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The big thing it does is you can take call's or run back and not worry about losing your level while you wait for a rez at some point in time later.
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Very true, but a FAR cry from "pay to win".
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  8. Bobokin Augur

    It allows players who are away from the keyboard to not worry about getting their team wiped and losing some experience. It also makes training mobs no risk.
  9. Fell Augur

    As just one of many exploits, it allows you to bind-rush raid-level mobs without penalty, allowing you to win otherwise impossible encounters. How is that not "pay to win"?

    I repeat my alternative suggestion: if DBG wants to monetize this, at least put a limit on it. One no-exp loss death per day maximum. If you're dying much more than that, you're doing something wrong.
  10. Fell Augur

    If that's all you're using it for, then you're not one of those exploiting it to freely die multiple times daily with zero penalty.
  11. FawnTemplar Augur

    Maybe I am just misunderstanding the perk but I thought this perk just made it so you would not de-level - not negate exp loss in its entirety?

    Also, I am sure I have seen many people making art with their corpses over the years well before this perk was a thing.


    So, I just got this perk and then went out and tested it. For Science! Looks like the perk does not negate all exp loss.

    Here is my EXP before I died:

    Here is my EXP after I died:
    Tatanka and Cadira like this.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That only matters if the players are max level for the expansion in question otherwise they still have to deal with the xp loss.
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They shouldn't be worried about loosing exp, they should be worried about being suspended.

    Losing exp is nothing these days anyway. Easily made back up in 30 minute lesson or an overseer session.

    I don't use the perk, but I don't begrudge anyone who does that has more money than sense.

    If you don't like the corpse /hidecorpse all
  14. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    So does, oh, I don't know, >getting a rez<. LOL
  15. Nolrog Augur

    Expedient Recovery. Then you don't even lose the 4%.
    Nennius likes this.
  16. Razorfall Augur

    Or when it's like RoS and hybrids didn't get xp when they got rezzed lol
  17. Cadira Augur

    This is a weird thing to gripe about.
  18. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Maybe increase the death-sickness effect to make bind rushing not viable?
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Is bind rushing really an issue outside of early expansion open world raids?
  20. Numiko Augur

    The perks are more like pay to get a teeny weenie bonus you will never notice then pay to win.
    Owch, Yinla, Koshk and 1 other person like this.