Which Class(es) will be best (fastest) at claiming a spawn? ie Instant cast stuff

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MMOer, Apr 24, 2023.

  1. MMOer Augur

    Unless they implement a 3 second delay with a random winner for the claim, there will be some classes better suited than others to tag mobs quickly.

    Which classes will excel at tagging?
  2. Alarya Augur

    any class? Depends on the situation tbh
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    rangers with a bow, longest range of anyone also pretty much instant
  4. Trox2010 Augur

    Wizard with Staff of Temporal Flux; instant case clicky that is unlimited that operates at pretty long range.

    Fastest though is sitting directly on spawn point as long as mob is proximity aggro (not Indifferent/maybe dubious or higher on your faction).
    Balrigard likes this.
  5. Ruhi Augur

    monk, rogue, warrior with throw stone
    warriors have instant cast provoke
    wizards have their click stick of lower elements, staff of temperate flux (i bet this server will have the highest wizard ratio because of this stick even though there are other classes with instant agro abilities)
    wizard, chanter, necro, mage all have instant click limited charge sticks from the planes

    so really, priests and hybrid classes don't have much in the way of instant casts, but hybrids with pets can park pets with /attack macro.

    cleric/pal stuns aren't instant, but they are fast - as are BL, Ranger dd's.

    all classes can instantly melee
  6. Trevalon Augur

    the best class will be the one whose player reacts the fastest; or the one who cheats.
    magikarp and Schwifty like this.
  7. Dominate Augur

    Proximity agro (/sit) will be a huge getter of spawn locks, but the server "tick" has to go off before the agro registers. Before that happens people will attack it most of the time. SOmetimes the server "tick" will line up perfectly and you will get proxy agro before that.

    Arrows from bows have travel time. Flame lick is probably faster than that. Almost every class has the ability to compete for tags. You should definitely have your weapon skill maxed on casters to add another tool to your toolbox.

    Ironically the disciplines they added that aren't classic EQ are going to be the best tools to get instant agro (as has already been mentioned above)

    However, ping is the most important thing if you don't have 3rd party software with faster than human reaction times. I think it is hilarious that the goal with this system is allegedly to lower the amount of CS tickets. It is going to exasperate the issue, not alleviate it. Every single time someone gets beat to a spawn tag they will get emotional and blame hackers. Almost every first person shooter player has that moment where someone wrecks them so bad they accuse them of cheating.

    Karendune and her righteous indignation disciples have got nothing compared to what is coming to Kekwynd. Strap in boys, it's going to be a sheeet show.
  8. Chuuk Augur

    If you know the exact spawn point, pretty much any class can insta-melee with a macro and an AHK trigger going every 1ms.

    But from a range, I'd say the wizzy flux stick and/or SK HT are going to be the most common / easiest to obtain.
    Schwifty likes this.
  9. Zrae Journeyman

    It isn't even the tagging part that is silly. You have a 50/50 chance to tag your own boss you have been trying to spawn. Now farmers just need to sit by with a timer and try to snag it. Thanks for doing all the work lol. Hope this goes through.
  10. Balrigard Journeyman

    My Opinion:

    # 1 - Any class with instant cast abilities / skills / clickies
    # 2 - Pet Classes w/ hotkeys spawning for the named
    # 3 - Proximity / Melee
    # 4 - Spells w/ cast times
    # 5 - Anyone else
  11. code-zero Augur

  12. Pixnmode Journeyman

    Wizzy with flux staff probably for short range stuff ... Rangers were used a lot for FTE races early on on p99 for longer than 200 range bow + bind sight.
  13. Dmitry Elder

    In the old days you actually got aggo before the mob was visible. Spam cast flux staff is great as is /pet attack.
  14. Schwifty Journeyman

    Casting a spell or using an ability is not the only way to agro - creating a macro with /tar <targetname> /hotbutton <# with melee attack> is the same for everyone that is standing at the spawn location.
    For random spawns it will be those with track like it has always been.
    Autoclickers will win the static spawns.
  15. Vetis Augur

    I would vote pet classes, have the pet right on the spawn. Spam a macro for /target mobname, /pet attack
  16. code-zero Augur

    I think people are forgetting about the issues early on in Truebox where people got disconnected when people playing on the same intranet hit too many keys at the wrong time making the Truebox think they were broadcasting. I'm pretty sure that automated aggro software won't go unnoticed
    Zrender likes this.
  17. magikarp Elder

    most of what I can think of is already mentioned above

    tflux will be very nice for wizzies due to the 200 range
    a pet class with the luxury of /guarding pet on spawn will be effective
    throw stone is instant but short range

    in addition there are some instant-click items usable by any class. one of them is called the thin bone wand (3 charges of 200 range lifetap), drops off low level bats in Erud's Xing

    just write the macro in a hotkey and autoclick it instead then

    and yes to your many points of support for the devs, i'll be on test the day they that allow me to be, trying this system out and reporting ways it can be easily broken (in hopes they fix the issues, but also in partial hopes they just dont go forward with this)
  18. Trox2010 Augur

    Remember the key to FTE is not that you need to hit it, but just be first to getting on its aggro table, and easiest way to do that is to be sitting on its spawn (as long as your faction is lower than Dubious which for just about all contested spawns it will be).
  19. code-zero Augur

    I'm agnostic in regards of the devs and I do not want this FTE anywhere near a non-Oakwynde server. I'm seeing way too many people come up with bizarre ways that they claim that it's broken when I'm fairly certain that what's being said is pretty much impossible and won't make it to launch even if it was.

    I don't think that anyone will talk them out of doing it and unless it can be proven untenantable it could being the standard along with Truebox for future TLP servers
  20. uberkingkong Augur

    Which race is the best at sit or proximity aggro?

    Which one is best at sitting directly on spawn with sitting competition?
    Is it better to be big or do you slide away when big?
    is it better to be small and first?

    Do mobs go after players that are small and perceived as a non threat to them compared to one that looks big and menacing?