/outputfile tradeskilldepot?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bandeko, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. Bandeko New Member

    What are the chances we can get an outputfile option for dragon horde and tradeskill depot?
  2. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    If you have them open when you do the /output inventory, they are included.
    CrazyLarth and Bandeko like this.
  3. Bandeko New Member

    Excellent! Thank you!
  4. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    A specific command for just them would be nice however. Especially for the TS Depot, when you are trying to find TS items which are impossible for you to use that have found their way into your depot because you play on a Live server rather than a TLP server or a component that is only used in Alchemy or Make Poison or Tinkering got in by mistake. Having to go through the inventory list every time to find just the depot items is annoying.
    Note to Devs: We need a TLP TS flag similar to how we have FV No Drop, but instead if you are not on a TLP the item is no longer a TS item.
    Graag Baash and Rijacki like this.
  5. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Highlighted for emphasis.

    Plus, I would love to have 2 pieces of information on tradeskill items in EQ to make it significantly easier to determine what to keep and what to chuck (or give/sell to someone else) or just a little clue where to find or discover a recipe.
    • Rec level: the level range for the items made from associated recipes and/or a level indication where the items can be found. Some items, like silks and pelts already have this but others need it as well.
    • Recipe type: What tradeskill(s) use the item. Many poison ingredients almost have that with an indication it's a Rog item, but even that could be improved to indicate it's a poison ingredient.
    I would also love to have a way to do a sort by skill in the find or the tradeskill depot. A reverse search in-game on a tradeskill item to find known recipes is probably a bit too much, but I would love that, too. :)
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.