Raid: A Council Divided

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cloud the Third, Apr 3, 2023.

  1. Cloud the Third Augur

    This is raid currently broken on non-progressive servers?

    It has 8 mobs and you listen to emotes to figure out which of the 4 you have to kill. You then talk to one of them and they all attack you and you have to kill the 4 bad ones however it seems bugged and after a couple dozen attempts I can't find a way to beat it. I know I am not killing the wrong mobs because when you kill the wrong mob the event resets.

    The problem is according to allak you must kill all 4 bad mobs within a min or less but the problem is I got all 4 mobs down to around 10-20% exp and as soon as the first one finally dies it is instantly respawning meaning I can never kill all 4 at the same time and it goes into an endless loop of killing bad mobs over and over again but the even never ends.

    Is this a known bugged event and am I wasting my time trying to beat it right now?
  2. Tevik Augur

    The write up you linked said they need to be at 5%.
  3. Cloud the Third Augur

    Well that may be the problem then. Is there a way to turn off finishing blow? I tried meleeing them and keeping them within 5% of each other but once their hp gets below 10 they instantly die from melee. I guess I could try dots but I have no way to turn off crits which means even low level dots could crit and kill these guys before i can keep them all at 5% or below. I guessing they didn't' think through the fact that 10 expansions later people want to do these old things and can't =/
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Maybe bandolier to a no-weapon set or even turn your back, then use damage shield or low level spells to get them down that last few %.
  5. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    There are lots of ways to accomplish this. You didn't mention what class or classes you are attempting this raid with. But you can drop them to around 12% or so with normal DPS, then swap to something more controlled. That means swapping to some low level nukes or DoTs - yes they can crit, but if you're selective about what level spells you're using then it won't be an issue. Or utilize damage shields and weaponless bandoliers to control the damage they are taking. Or use pets to do that last bit of damage (again being selective about which pets you use).

    Just have to think outside the box a LITTLE bit and you can easily beat this raid at a high level. If you try to just auto-attack through it then yeah it may not work.
  6. Tygart Lorekeeper

    I just did this on Tunare server two weeks ago with max lva ranger
  7. Tygart Lorekeeper

    Ok on iPad, so will try or explain. I did this two weeks ago with warrior, chanter, and ranger. I read the texts and wrote down which four were hostile. I had warrior equip shield and HH Seb primary and let mobs dips. I used ranger to take down mobs health. Sometimes headshot will proc and that mob will repopulate. Just be patient and let each hostile four get to low health, something like five percent. Then kill all four hostile emoted quickly and you win event. I did it to get next event to unlock Twincast rk 3. Good luck!