Fixed Internally Vintage Toy Ships(etc?) Not giving BOTH rewards

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Tegila, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Tegila Augur

    Like every other collection set now, shouldn't this set be giving xp and AA, not a choice? Not sure what else may be like this as all the other event collects I've done since the change have awarded both as expected.
    Carden and Loup Garou like this.
  2. Riou EQResource

    The holiday related ones have always been the choice ones instead of both
  3. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    I looked thru them, clicked on reward preview and on the list under "events" then "collections" they all say: All the options for this reward include 18 AA and experience on the right part of the window. There is no choice selection on the left.

    Except for Vintage Toy Ships which show them on the left under "reward choices" and you have to choose one.
  4. TrueNorth Developer

    Was able to confirm this and it is now being tracked internally. Thank you for your report!