Commander Esline in Shadeweavers

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Weebaaa, Mar 15, 2023.

  1. Weebaaa Augur

    I've taken some time off and may not be considering all of my tools. I may be rusty. I'm playing a Bard

    This looks to be a very difficult camp to pull. We have a narrow low ceiling hallway turning into a room.
    Mobs do not Mez, lull, snare, or charm.

    I can break the first room with fling effects and a bit of luck. BUUUUT
    The top room, which is gated by a ramp, has a mixture of live and undead.
    As soon as I poke my little head up the ramp I aggro somewhere from 5 to 7 mobs. The undead are lullable, but I'm still not sure how i could possibly separate them out without training all over, and we're inside a small building, so there's not a ton of room.

    Does anyone have any tips for this camp?
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Sacrifice a gnome.
  3. Svann2 The Magnificent

    The groups Ive been in all say dont bother with 2nd floor unless its a super group that can handle multiples.
  4. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Could agro all and run out and away, fade then wait till they go back, agro/fade till singles. Or just tank em all and heal heavy. I did option 2, then named spawned as I was killing respwns and agrod, was fun
  5. Flatchy Court Jester

    Stay on the bottom floor, lately im finding you dont have to kill every single ph out there to get them named. I swear they upped the spawn rate because lately in zones with multiple ph (over3) i just pick 3 or 4 and do them. In a 2 hour play time after work I usually get one named per session. If all your after is hunters that is good enough for me. Yeah I know some of you guys are balls to the wall 4 -6 mobs a pull but im old and slow and dont have mechanical assistance to run my box set.