Bloodmetal Earring of Engagement (non-enchanted) not combining.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Geoux, Feb 4, 2023.

  1. Geoux Lorekeeper

    I'm working on the Master Jeweler Test on Thornblade. The last item remaining on my to-do list is the non-enchanted Bloodmetal Earring of Engagement. I'm combining the following items together:

    Highly Polished Gem
    Orange Diamond of War
    Brick of Bloodmetal

    I'm getting the 'wrong container' response using:

    Jeweler's Kit
    Planar Jeweler's Kit
    Reinforced Jeweler's Kit :)
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    I'm pretty sure there's not a non-enchanted version of that piece. I think you need to have the Bloodmetal enchanted before the combine will work.

    The non-enchanted version comment is for the regular stuff (I think).
  3. Captain Video Augur

    The error message is wrong, it's not the container, it's the combine. You want to convert "Brick of Bloodmetal" into an "Enchanted Bar of Bloodmetal" by combining the brick with a "Vial of Distilled Mana". An Enchanter can summon the vial, everyone else has to craft one, you'll have to look up that recipe.
  4. Geoux Lorekeeper

    The tradeskill trophy quest is specifically calling out for 'non-enchanted'. I was thinking a similar thing though, that the combine is wrong. The problem is that I can't find any reference on how to make a regular bar rather than an enchanted one.
  5. Brickhaus Augur

    Have you tried it with the enchanted bar?

    There have been hundreds of folks who have gone through the trophy quests, even at that level. There is no other combine in any of the tradeskill databases online. Again, I think it's just referencing the items where there are two separate versions in wanting the non-enchanted one.
  6. Geoux Lorekeeper

    Here's my attempts to make a Bar of Bloodmetal so far.

    Brick of Bloodmetal in Forge with:
    Water Flask
    Chisel (with and w/o flask)
    Tanaan Hammer (with and w/o flask)
    File (with and w/o flask)
  7. Geoux Lorekeeper

    I can try it with the enchanted bar, maybe the descriptor is buggy. Just a sec.

    *edit* gleh... gotta go to work! Will have to try it later!
  8. Geoux Lorekeeper

    Ok, been home for abit and made the normal BEoE. It was what the quest was looking for. So the (non-enchanted) descriptor in the quest journal is what caused the confusion. It shouldn't be there if they're not actually going to make more than one version of the earring.