Please bring back items for frostfell

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Veteran_BetaTester, Dec 18, 2022.

  1. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    One is Snowfall Effect [IMG]
    Duder likes this.
  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    We have snowstorm generator ?

    Duder likes this.
  3. Sobmre Augur

  4. Duder Augur

    I only see such an item for EQ2
  5. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I have no idea what EQ2 marketplace looks like but this is from EQ. Use "snow" in your search bar as shown so as to weed out other holiday options.
    Duder likes this.
  6. Duder Augur

    I see now. I remember it even =P Buuut, I think OP wants the item that makes the calmer falling snow rather than the mealstrom type of what you linked.
    Veteran_BetaTester likes this.
  7. Flatchy Court Jester

    Didnt that tidal baubel make it snow if it was already raining when you clicked it? I could be wrong I am at work so cant check it.
  8. Owl56 Elder

    If it is raining, the clicky makes it stop.
  9. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Exactly, two different items. The storm is rough and fast, it is not silent 3am snowfall : )
    Duder likes this.
  10. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Thanks bought this...wish this would be a clicky that you can create snow anywhere in the eq world how nice would that be