Quest/achivement: Cabilis quest- Cursed Wafers (5point)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Dreds, Nov 8, 2022.

  1. Dreds New Member

    -Quest giver : Hierophant Oxyn ( shm guilmaster).
    -Location : East cabilis
    -Faction required : **Amiably **with scaled mystics
    -My class : Mage
    -My Race : Drakkin
    -Deity : veeshan

    I maxed all the factions in cabilis :
    -Brood of Kotiz : caped at Dubious (-200) 100 to apprehensive ---Warmly(850) 250 to ally with iksar illusion.

    -Cabilis residents : caped at Dubious (-200) 100 to apprehensive--Warmly(850) 250 to ally with iksar illusion.

    -Crusaders of Greenmist : caped at Dubious (-200) 100 to apprehensive--Warmly(850) 250 to ally with iksar illusion.

    -Legion of Cabilis :Capped to dubious (-500)400 to apprehensive ---Kindly(550) 200 to warmly with iksar illu.

    -Scaled mystics :Capped to Scowl(-1500) 750 to theathening----dubious (-450)350 to apprehensive with iksar illu.(also no more change with alliance clicky (faction boost spell )

    -Swift Tails : caped at Dubious (-200) 100 to apprehensive ---Warmly(850) 250 to ally with iksar illusion.

    So,my problem is i cant reach the amiably faction needed to receive to mortar from the npc to combine the 4 items. I know some peoples can finish that quest with no faction issues ,also on my bard with iksar illu and boost faction song i can reach it but not on my mage. I also remember some players had faction malus depending of their Class / race / deity back in time ( still prolly the case from what i can see ).

    Maybe removing the amiably cap needed with the npc could help or remove the race/dity malus cap.
    Hope you can do something fast for that .

    That super raging to get to only one quest left in the in the *new* package and not be able to finish it cause of some ** well thinked ** game mechanic.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    ZAM seems to say amiably with Legion of Cabilis.

    But also understand that player info is at best an educated guess, its not always on the mark. Sometimes you need to be a little more amiably than amiably, the devs could have set a higher threshold than the minimum value of faction needed for that level. Also until recently, we were unable to see our exact faction number, so when these writeups were made...
  3. Dreds New Member

    Like if i had not took the time to check allak 1st , and yes they are wrong , it's scaled mystic faction.

    The problem is once all faction maxed/caped even with iksar illusion and also alliance I cant reach the neccessary faction needed.
  4. daBlubb Elder

    Did you try to use Ornate Velium Pendant on NPCs with the same faction to get another 100 faction?
    Not saying its enough, but worth a test.
  5. Mossaa Augur

    It is enough. I did it on my ranger