EverQuest Show - "Lost" episode posted, prep for Season 2!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fading Illusion, Oct 22, 2022.

  1. Fading Illusion Augur

    Hello everyone!

    Fading here. Want to check out EverQuest The Animated Adventures (That never was) as well as the story behind the EverQuest logo and how do YOU say the gods of Norrath?
    That's all in this "lost" episode of The EverQuest Show.

    It's leftover video content from the previous season, before I prep for Season 2!

    And be sure to get more details about these stories at EverQuestShow.com and as always IDEAS AND SHARING/SUPPORT are welcome!


    Thanks again!
  2. Sprooce Lorekeeper

    Love your shows! Thank you and welcome back!
    Stymie likes this.
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Thank Brell! Fading's back....with a brand new EverQuest Show studio! :eek:

    The new studio looks bonkers, Fading. Well done! Here's hoping the EverQuest Animated Adventures show gets exposure and the green light!
    Nennius, Skuz and Stymie like this.
  4. Stymie Pendragon

    Thank you for making this, and know that your efforts make a lot of people smile. :)
  5. Marton Augur

    I was just thinking about your show the other day!

    Good to see you back.
  6. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Missed your content so much, nice to see you back in action.
  7. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Well done!
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Question: Back in 2019, several of the developers were part of an AMA. One of the questions touched on the question of remote work versus in-office work. This was before COVID and I was wondering if you had considered an episode that would deal with changed working conditions both during COVID and in our mostly post COVID era? Here is the relevant portion of what was communicated during the AMA.

    "Alan: We rely very heavily on discussions with each other to figure out the best course of action. Personally I would prefer to have everyone I work with in the same office. Our lead programmer was injured and had to work through email and video and, frankly, it sucked. For him and for us. Of course it also sucked for him because of all the pain from the injury, so there's that. As for any one person's reasons for not being hired, I have no clue.

    Ed: The more remote work is being done, the more work has to focus on making sure communication and cooperation are happening and the less work can focus on making things. As much as I hate to admit it, nearly every day we resolve a problem through face-to-face discussion that we wouldn’t have initiated in electronic form. Also, living in San Diego is great.

    Jonathan: There have been a few people who’ve worked remotely, temporarily or semi-permanently, but there were extenuating circumstances involved. To be completely realistic about this, a tremendous amount of trust is required with a remote worker to be certain they can be loyal and productive team members with minimal oversight.

    Holly: We are pretty open to considering anything as long as it makes our work and game better. We are a team that functions by talking and brainstorming in hallways and at the coffee machine and basically...anywhere. Remote staff in some areas leaves a big gap in workflow between artists, designers, and engineers. We actually don’t do a lot that doesn’t require regular and frequent discussion across multiple disciplines and departments. This team works very fast and those discussions are a big reason why."

    Here is a link to the AMA.

  9. Fading Illusion Augur

    Interesting idea Nennius. I'll see if there is a story there.

    And thanks for the feedback everyone! I'd appreciate your help in sharing the video and keeping the support going for the channel.

    Nennius likes this.
  10. Shillingworth Augur

    I binged through the show having never seen in in the past since you did those while I was away from the game. That was really cool and looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. It's nice to see content about the game that isn't a let's play or nostalgia trip (as much fun as those are to watch).
  11. Tsolaes Elder

    I absolutely love your EverQuest Show! Glad its back! Have you ever considered doing an episode about Housing? I've made a few videos on the subject, and would enjoy seeing your take on it! Plenty of Housing super fans like myself in these forums
    Nennius likes this.
  12. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    Thank you! Wonderful production quality!
    Nennius likes this.