Fixed Spell Critical filter not separating (Your) spellhits and (other) Healcrits

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Hopeium, Aug 14, 2022.

  1. Hopeium New Member

    It seems that your own dmg spell criticals and others heal criticals are not able to be filtered away from each other. This makes it impossible to make a filter that only shows your spell damage (including crits) and not others heal crits, without hiding other heals altogether.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    When critial was changed from a standalone message to the inline text, theres been nothing that critical will filter. Everything is under damage filter now.
  3. Hopeium New Member

    Thanks for the reply. I think i understand what you mean, but it only seems to work for others dmg crits. my own crits and others heal crits are still using the "criticals" filter.
    As shown below. i have set heal (you) and dd (Yours) to chat 4, heal (other) and dd (other) to chat 2, and criticals to Chat 7.
    You can see that Others dd crits are filtering to "dd (other)", but dd (Yours), Heal (others) and probably "heal (You)" too are filtered too criticals.
    I am using Drakah UI. can these filters be affected by UI files?

  4. Kendeth Augur

    Before one of the patches last summer (I can't remember exactly which one) I had other player's damage spells and heals on others going to a separate tab that I mostly ignored but with that patch they made a change to the filters that caused crit heals to go to the same filter as my own spells + spell crits.

    This is something that I find especially annoying in situations where splash and rain heals are hitting a large number of people and flooding that particular chat window.
    Silvena likes this.
  5. Romslo New Member

    Having the same problem here.
    Seems like an easy enough problem to fix. Weird that they haven't already.
  6. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Is it really that weird, seeing how many long-term outstanding bugs are in existence? They go back 3 years.
    Mukkul likes this.
  7. Romslo New Member

    You got me there...
    Maybe we should try another strategy to get them to fix it. "It's probably so difficult to fix that they can't!"
    *crossing fingers*
  8. Trebla7th Augur