EQ Under New Management...Soon

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Skrab, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Planning to hit the Mega Millions on the next drawing, let me know what changes you want to implement.
  2. Eviara Journeyman

    fix the druid group cure plz, thx~
  3. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Noted. Remove group cure from Druids, and give to SKs.
    Vrinda, Zaray, Hobitses and 10 others like this.
  4. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Get rid of Overseer lag and agents that dissappear during quests. Thanks Alot!
  5. Mesc No $$$ Until the Experience is put back on Mobs!!!

    Bring Back Experience
    Bobokin, Leerah, Stymie and 5 others like this.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Give the option for the game to automatically go back to full screen at char select.
    Fix the lag
    Sort out class balance
    Bring back the potion belt
    Take us all to Norraths other moon Drinal, enough of recycled content. :)
    Rework Fellowships and Vitality
    Rework the bonus for low AA counts and base it on class/level/AA count.
    Change the names of some zones so we don't have 2 zones with exactly the same name, for example Eastern Wastes and Restless Eastern Wastes
    Fix the rewards for Overseer, add in an AA option and Tradeskill rewards for the expansions not included and put some rewards on the Overseer vendor that players actually want.
    Give us a Weapon Ornament Keyring (before giving us anymore)

    Thats my top 10, that should keep you busy for a while :p
    Aenvar, Coagagin, ChiiChii and 3 others like this.
  7. bigpapa Augur

    get rid / stop or double the length of priest alliance ( specially shaman since we are the class usually having that dirty job to cast and recast it every 4 min on tanks ) .........o_O

    aa to reduce the time we are meming spells , with all the spells , rebuff , debuff , alliance , dot's we need to memorise during a raid, ,

    aa to reduce the cast time of lupine spirit aa 4/4 { cast the highest rank of spirit of tala'tak }
    spell is 3,25 sec cast time ( focused ) and the aa is 7.30 sec cast time , ( more the double casting time ). and the range is only 50 feet ae .. ** spell info say target range 100 feet but is not, the range is 50 feet for target and ae range of 50 feet too,

    druid version { spirit of eagle aa } 3/3 rank is 2 seconds cast time ( lower than their casting one who is at 2.5 cast time ) ----->> cast the highest rank of flight of falcon. 100 feet ae
    Metanis likes this.
  8. MacDubh TABLES!!!

    Make pet illusions 24 hour and persistent through zoning without having to purchase the familiar keyring.

    Make pet illusions for classic (pre-luclin) wolf, skeleton, etc.

    Bring back the massive Animated Pawn Familiar.

    If I am being really greedy maybe throw Enchanters another 10-25% DPS
    Bobokin and Metanis like this.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I forgot one, sort out the chat filters!
    Stymie, Metanis and MacDubh like this.
  10. Tucoh Augur

  11. Cadira Augur

    Fix the lag
    Get rid of the cheaters that are exempt/unaffected from suspension waves powerleveling people all day for real money.

    Up damage cap on several war abilities
    Give paladins reavers bargain and give new aa ranks with updated damage caps for each expansion. Make crushes instant cast.
    Combine sk skin and stance buffs into one.
    Reduce cool down on mantle disc for both knights considerably. Give knights a 5m cool down 1m uptime weak defensive ability.
    Give clerics average non undead dps. Give us good undead dps.
    Bump bard melee dps
    Fix ranger mana issues. Put pureshot on a different timer than the other 20m melee disc.
    Make zerkers good again.
    Put druid heals on no timer like shaman and cleric. Give em a okish mana return ability. Reduce group heal cast time.
    Lower reuse on most monk discs. Upgrade eye of the storm disc.
    Bump wizard dps.
    Bump chanter dps.

    +1 to going to Drinal and less rehashed content.
    Lubianx, ChiiChii, Metanis and 4 others like this.
  12. Risiko Augur

    • Fix /follow to follow closer and work in the z-axis as well. Swimming and levitating shouldn't cause your /follow characters to not follow you in the z-axis.
    • Port to a modern game engine
    • Remove all cosmetic items from the marketplace, and put them in as rare drops and quest rewards, so you actually get cool stuff for the cost of your monthly subscription.
    • Stop re-using old zones for new expansions. spend a little of the millions of dollars EQ makes per year to hire more artists and zone designers, so that every zone in a new expansion is actually a "new" zone.
    • Remove the stat bloat. Condense the stats and lower the numbers. You shouldn't have to use a spreadsheet to figure out what piece of gear you should replace based on 50 gazillion stats.
    • Create AA activatable bar (like the spell gems bar) where you have to choose a set number of AA activatable abilities to have readied. This will make choosing what to have readied important rather than having a ton of hot bars full of every activatable AAs all the time. Too many hot bars required to play the game right now.
    • Create a Combat Ability bar (like the spell gems bar) where you have to choose a set number of combat abilities to have readied. This will make choosing what to have readied important rather than having a ton of hot bars full of ever combat ability all the time. Too many hot bars required to play the game right now.
    • Integrate Text-To-Speech for all quest dialogue from NPCs. Us older gamers have eyesight issues, and reading pages of text that the NPCs say for everything is very painful. It gets to the point where I just don't read any of it anymore.
    • Fix the font sizing in the UI. At higher resolutions that are common for most gaming computers these days, you need a magnifying glass to read anything. It's sad that this is a thing in 2022. It shouldn't be.
    • Make it so you can link your accounts, and add in the ability to control characters across your linked accounts from a single game client. The vast majority of your customers run multiple characters across multiple accounts at the same time (aka boxing). You should be able to run them all from one game client, or be able to send commands to the other boxed character's game client from a master game client. The modern game is played by boxing, and it's about time the game design takes that in to account rather than pretending that everyone plays a single character. EverQuest is one of the best designed games in the industry for boxing, and it's sad that the game client has never been upgraded to make that gameplay style less complex. Your customers are going to outside sources to take care of it, and THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE TO. This should be built in functionality of the game.
    I could go on, but I have actual work to do.
    Thanks for asking,
    Pharone the Gnome.
    Leerah, Doinar, Metanis and 1 other person like this.
  13. kizant Augur

    1. Change /follow to automatically disable any speed buffs the follower or followee have and set them both to walking. Then include a lesson in the tutorial with tips about using auto follow.

    2. Replace Vah Shir with a skeleton race using the original skeleton models.

    3. Delete nukes from every class but Wizards and Clerics since they're the only classes that make sense to have them.

    4. Remove the ability for a tank to do damage. Every attack should just increase aggro and nothing else so they can be better focus on protecting the group.
    ChiiChii and Metanis like this.
  14. Azzudien Augur

    Get rid of all servers and dump everyone including TLP into one massive live server that can handle that many people.
    If you really want some drama make it pvp
    Aeonblade, Brontus and Metanis like this.
  15. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I have been suspended on the forums twice for mentioning this.
  16. Pops Racer Olde Faht

    Metanis likes this.
  17. Metanis Bad Company

    Hire me (at a good pay rate) to do remote client support!
    Nennius likes this.
  18. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Pay me to work 10 random hours a week just to observe reported suspected bot groups, and hit the suspend for a month button when appropriate.
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

    A very nice fantasy based thread. :)


    And have Overseer quests sort by duration. Please.
    Vrinda and Yinla like this.
  20. Nennius Curmudgeon

    TLP is all pay to play (I think) and the other servers are a mix of PTP and FTP. I say the TLPers should stay in the kindergarten playground.