Single players

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by mark, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. mark Augur

    It’s been entertaining all these single players lfg and asking me do you have room in your group and I tell them sorry full group,I have plat for all my spells a few raid and group bis for all my 6 classes ,the tunnel as been useful selling some not needed gear and making some play and Kronos to buy other gear.
    Its been fun,been able to log of for dinner going out whenever I feel like it.
    started some new charecters with another 2 friends who box.
    Living the life and we rock,plus raiding his very social.
    Lanffear likes this.
  2. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    Preach, king
  3. weewooweewoo Journeyman

    Hey if mark's happy I'm happy
  4. brickz Augur

    Good on ya mark, sticking it to those plebs
    rangerous likes this.
  5. Hashire New Member

    I'm kinda new to TLP's, is Mark the sophisticated troll who acts 12 as like, his thing?? Or is he actually special needs/aspergers?

    I only ask cause I have a friend who does online tutoring and mentoring for socially awkward/uncompatible people, could DM him a link if he's needing some help or someone to talk to.
    Suvi, Nennius, Brildon and 1 other person like this.
  6. Shakara Augur

    As a single player myself I can attest that I am having x3 more fun than mark. Don't let him woo you into making more than one char.
  7. weewooweewoo Journeyman

    oh you're new here welcome to the markverse sit back and enjoy
    rangerous likes this.
  8. MileyVyrus Augur

    The best part about Mark is his threads are the only ones on here that aren't entitled single boxers complaining everyone else has fifty bucks for a spare laptop and/or is better at EQ than them.
    Timmyboi likes this.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    You'll figure it out.
  10. Captain Video Augur

    I am becoming increasingly suspicious that mark is an AI.
  11. Gemstoner Elder

    Daybreak: "Hmmm, now how can we get those forum engagement numbers up"?
  12. Captain Video Augur

    I would very much like to see a video capture of mark's 6-box crew out in the wild, as it were, which I don't really think is possible since I don't really think he plays the game. There exists open-source machine learning software that can read through gigabytes of text and from that generate emulated human writing that fits the context of the subject matter. I wouldn't put it past some AI geek and gaming enthusiast to have such software parse the entire history of the forums and then go from there...
  13. mark Augur

    hi captain video i wish i was a programmer to program ai that act like humans,iWHILE I SIT ON MY THRONE i read the forums and post somtimes if you have noticed my posting has gone down because i am having fun on yelinak,i actually play tlps and dont pretend to like some posters.youl never know if you play on yelinak if your raiding with me.
  14. Accipiter Old Timer

    What's your main character's name in-game?
  15. Stymie Pendragon

  16. Gheed Is not reading your response

    Me and my closest 5 friends are also having a great time
    Brildon likes this.
  17. Kodachi Augur

    As someone playing 3 which is halfway between 1 and 6 I can confirm I am only having 1.5x fun of 6 and am having 1.5x less fun then 1.
  18. mark Augur

    my self and 2 friends that box have been having such a good time and the gear and kronos are rolling in.
  19. I'm Not A Robot Lorekeeper

    I'm guessing Mark is in the guild Eq Corp
  20. Vileborg33 Lorekeeper

    It's easier to be social when you're surrounded by fellow suffering addicts who still haven't found a cure after almost 25 years. There have been miracle cures and a few lasted a year or two but eventually they too provided diminishing returns on my addiction. I'm sad to say that I'm here because I'm no longer a recovering addict but a relapsed addict full in the throws of my addiction. Evercrack, the gift that keeps on giving.