Overseer Fail

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Grove, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. Grove Augur

    Just a quick note --

    Two failures in the past month. Considering that I had no failures since the very beginning, I am wondering ... something wrong?
  2. Velisaris_MS Augur

  3. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    yea its in bug forum. Alot more failures for me nowadays :( i might not mind too much but it keeps hitting my recruit missions no fun.
  4. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Considering the projected success rate is supposed to be 80 to mid 90s for the missions if you line up the right agents, you should be failing a small number. If you hadnt failed one since the beginning ... that would indicate a bug in the probability. 10 missions per day, roughly 300 missions per month, 90% probability of success is an expected failure of greater than 0. 2 failures in a month is well within the probability.
  5. Burdi Augur

    Tell GM whoebot , he will fix it like Speedy Gonzales.
  6. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    FWIW Overseer quests, if they are not 100% guaranteed (which they never are?) should have an occasional fail now and then. The evil RNG has it's fingers in every EQ pie.
  7. Velisaris_MS Augur

    The occassional random failure is one thing.

    I think what most people are talking about right now is the "agents disappear for no reason and you get a critical fail" bug. That's a problem and happening WAY too often.
    KarmaKitty and Nennius like this.
  8. KarmaKitty Augur

    The normally just disappear between logins. They usually reappear later with success.

    In the last couple of days, did have two (86% chance of success) turn up Critical Fail -- Boo!
    They have not turned up, so maybe that failure was the final word.
  9. mtgdragon Lorekeeper

    just had 2 failures each on 3 accounts. I waited for the full timer on all of them.It's been happening more often since the last update. All the quests were 80% and up, 6 failures is just ridiculous.
  10. Grove Augur

    Today, I had had six completions on 12-hour tasks (including one of those mysterious leftovers). Out of the six, three failed. More than the unfortunate usuals.