The people who advocate against Free Trade

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by PIERRE STEUBEN, May 12, 2022.

  1. PIERRE STEUBEN Journeyman

    Go look at all the people taking pre-orders on EC tunnel charging $300 to level a toon 1-50 in 4 days. They need these traditional TLPs to keep food on the table. Mischief is like a part time job minimum wage with no benefits. Yelinak will be more af a $45 an hour server for them.

    Now we know who DBG really supports.
  2. Pizzanomicon Augur

    Bruv, there is RMT in every game. This post is an actual logical fallacy lmao. Put those salty tears in a vial and sell them ok.

    I'd be more concerned about the people that are gonna try to gatekeep your epic pieces, not people giving shortcuts to people with less time ( you know the thing that affects you in no way whatsoever.)
  3. Arclyte Augur

    one time my friend powerleveled my barbarian in diablo 2 in the cow level

    i still feel the shame
  4. Truetotheblue Augur

    How can you even look in the EC Tunnel the servers not even out yet :confused:
  5. Haak Augur

    They probably mean the site where a lot of the RMT stuff for both live and p99 happens.
  6. Rcbauer Augur

    ohhhhh you 'mad' mad.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Shareholders, and it was never any kind of secret or mystery.

    Oh & Yantis said to say hi, he's still enjoying his million-dollar home.
  8. brickz Augur

    Please explain what powerleveling a character from 1-50 has to do with free trade
  9. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Slave labor rates while an automated EC tunnel trader can pull a lot of krono daily.

    All the choices in Colorado and he buys that terrible gaudy 28 bathroom mansion. At least go, evergreen, boulder, cherry hills / cherry creek. :p
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Xazier Augur

    Not as lucrative as it once was, too many people understand the value of items after our 16th TLP or whatever it is. We aren't getting many newcomers ignorant to the market. But every now and then we see some whales.
  11. Midnitewolf Augur

    Honestly I wish it was free trade. I was up to my eyeballs working 70 hours a week when Mischief came out so couldn't join in and joining in a year after it came out just feels like it would be a nightmare trying to catch up so I am stuck with a plain old standard ruleset TLP now that I have time to play again. I am also pretty sick of being left out on the best gear because I don't have enough time to raid enough to satisfy any of the guilds that raid regularly.
  12. Aenoan Augur

    That issue can always be fixed in other ways. More open pug style raids or maybe adding LFR to the LFG tool so people who want to run or form raids outside of standard raid times a-la other mmo's
  13. nagash101 Augur

    There are some pretty casual raiding guilds on both Mischief and Thornblade. Just pick a server and reach out a bit.
  14. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Its pretty easy to catch up. And if you invest 1 krono you can gear up enough to make it into the 60s easy from just that if you don't want to earn it the old fashioned way.

    I'd think plenty of guilds will accept people that aren't max too. We had some 50something person join us last week, they got some guild groups in paw and were 65 with 50 aa in like a day or two.