Fixed Internally Primal Vampire raid An_Amorphous_Vampire no longer undead

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Qimble, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. Qimble Augur

    As title says, the amorphous vampires during the Primal Vampire event are no longer flagged as undead. Is this intended or is it an oversight?
  2. Jumvapace The Most hated

    I landed cleric Turn Undead last night just fine. I have triggers for when a necro makes a mob undead as well, and that was not active at the time I landed it.
  3. Rezmatez New Member

    I tried TU on several of them yesterday on our raid, and no go.
    Geoffreey1 and Healerslove1 like this.
  4. Qimble Augur

    Your GINA trigger might not have been working right. None of our pallies or clerics were able to use their undead stuff on them last night.
    Healerslove1 likes this.
  5. Tevik Augur

    Primal himself and the feasts are still undead, I believe. Just the amorphous vamps aren't.
    Geoffreey1 and Healerslove1 like this.
  6. Qimble Augur

    Seems like we should have enough likes now to at least warrant a "not a bug" or "confirmed" tag. Would be nice to know one way or another even if they're sticking it in the "wait and see if balance concerns makes it worth spending dev time on" folder.
    Healerslove1 likes this.