SK vs. Paladin Solo at 115

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Roguexx, Oct 8, 2021.

  1. Micker Augur

    The SK class was more designed to solo. They are part necro, which is probably the best soloing class there is. Paladins healing based spells, don't translate to soloing that well. Doesn't mean they are a bad class, just not designed to be the best soloers.
    Stephen51 and Waitwhat like this.
  2. Boro Journeyman

    Once I was pretty well equiped from raiding I started to soloing (no merc) the 115 coldain cave in GD. 5 AA per kill with LOTD running. Having 230 AA saved for raids has been easy peasy ever since. There are spawn cycles in EW that are almost as good.
  3. Parmalice Journeyman

    I (SK) haven't tried soloing those missions, and honestly it hasn't occurred to me to even try it. I probably couldn't do it, at least at first, though if I stuck it out I could probably figure it out.

    SKs and Pallies in theory are meant to be balanced with other while having differing strengths, but in reality pallies and SKs can never really be balanced because EQ, at its heart, is about killing things, not healing or stunning things. Paladins have utility in terms of heals and cures and whatnot that we don't have, but at its heart this game is about killing things, which is where the SK dominates in this comparison. This game is about what the SKs are stronger at, so how can they ever really be balanced?
  4. Dre. Altoholic

    Hilarious thread. Life on hit is powerful? Who'da thunk.
    Skrab likes this.
  5. Tucoh Augur

    Game would be much more balanced if SKs were as good at self-healing as paladins were at DPS.
    Thren, Dre. and Qimble like this.
  6. Wulfhere Augur

    Harh that would be a nerf to SK! :D
  7. Ybidzian New Member

    Oh good lord, mages and necros solo Zlandi. Their pets are strong enough to do it. I know of a pally in our guild who handles Zlandi easily, and SK also. Every other class seems to use a merc, but really who cares, it's the AA we all want. And the bricks.
  8. Auspice New Member

    I stand behind this statement here!

    Nothing I do inside the game will I put on youtube because well we tend to get nerfed enough as is.
    I own and play all 3 tank classes and my favorite of the 3 is Pally hands down.
  9. Thren Elder

    I just recently returned to the game last June after being away for most of last 8 years since The start of VoA expansion. I did come back breifly during TBM expansion but wasnt in game more than a few months. I would like to say that before reading this thread, I thought it was just me with the agro, but after reading this thread I see that it is not just me. In group settings there is no problems with agro, but in raids its a struggle to hold agro if an SK decides they want my mob, usually have to resort to Ageless, or unrelenting if I just decide Im not giving it up. I am currently end game raid geared, not all Ores, but all ToL raid drops, and also again, I see SK's in raids tanking stuff that I know would roll over me once my deflection and sheild block are gone. That has nothing to do with my skill level, gear level, augs..Sk's and Paladins have been at this since before I left game, but sometime between the time I played, left and came back, its obvious to me that sk's won the competition with the Devs and players.

    That said, Im not crying about it, I have improved , learning new things and combinations of things that will snap agro for me,, but yeah,, anyone who says SK's dont have a leg up isnt seeing what I and lots here are seeing.
    Stephen51 likes this.
  10. Qimble Augur

    They shouldn't be stealing the mob off you without trying, you shouldn't be stealing off them without trying. If that's the balance you're seeing, it's in a healthy state. Either class can comfortably build a lead and hold threat off DPS, which is all that really counts.

    I'm curious what you see SKs tanking that you can't.
    Ozon and Szilent like this.