how to please the most people with yelinak.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by pinco, Apr 10, 2022.

  1. Celatus Augur

    one would think. It was just empty and sad. Like i said it was DOA
  2. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

    Celatus and HekkHekkHekk are druid and wizard mains respectively. When will it ever get better for either of them? You two should med up for an hour, take a nice long afk break, and sneak a little Netflix into your night.
  3. Go Take A Nap Augur

    Everquest is a group game. not suppose to be balanced. joining a group and rollin deep on another group is where the fun is at. Or crashing a raid. You clearly have no idea, not sure why you are even here talking about it honestly
    HekkHekkHekk likes this.
  4. Sollix Journeyman

    Just a typical EQ - PVP haters on this forum. If you enjoy the game differently them him you're WRONG.
  5. Celatus Augur

    I have played everything. On the last tlp that I played on of which i can also not remeber the name. It just hit dodh. I was a mage. On p99 I was a warrior. On van I will 3 box ench/mage/mage with a friend doing bard/ench and another doing cleric. Should be fun
  6. Celatus Augur

    You're not wrong. Nothing wrong with pvp games. Eq is just not one of them and it never was. Thats it. I'm playing wow classic on a pvp server right this very minute.
  7. Sollix Journeyman

    But it is a PvP game with a PvP server that's been neglected for decades. Hope you feel better from your hateful rant though.

    Enjoy your WoW classic bubba.
  8. Celatus Augur

    omg it was not neglected it FAILED because no one played on it.
  9. Celatus Augur

    you can't hate something that never existed. best of luck to you though.
  10. Sollix Journeyman

    Saying it doesn't make it true. The Sleeper was killled & Zek was a blast. Hopefully we'll get a PvP event server or TLP some day.

    Cheers and do feel better. ;)
  11. wildone Elder

    allow boxing or restrict to 1 account for ip to stop the botters having an advantage by cheating over the normal eq players boxers and single account players.
  12. KRYGZ Lorekeeper

    Shush Kronolord
  13. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    I've tried explaining this to the forumquesters. They don't understand.
  14. Go Take A Nap Augur

    They are terrified that a pvp server will be drawn up and they wont get what they want this year, next year, or some year in the future. That is all. I suppose the best route forward would be to start a campaign to see how many players would pledge for a TLP pvp start. The "get players on zek" method isnt going to work any more than the "Get players to play live" is working. Returning players dont want to face the level gaps and daunting task of learning 50 additional levels of content.
  15. itiswhatitis Elder

    They would need to do a re balance of the classes to give everyone an equal chance in pvp. Which is something that would take to much Time for DBG. Then they need to implement that on existing servers and create something like a battleground instance to catch an idea of the interest in it. If not you would have an entire server of rogues lol
  16. Sythrak20 Elder

  17. Roleplay Here Journeyman

    When you see a person put 500 kronos on the bazaar to sell, they don't want to sell the kronos my dude, they want people to undercut them so the price of kronos drop so they can buy them in barter. Then the price goes up when they yoink them away. The real krono lords are only interested in real money transfer of said kronos to pay said rent.
  18. Starshape Elder

    I don't plan to play on a PvP server. Tried it back in the day and wasn't that excited about it and I have really enjoyed most PvP MMOs.

    That said, I respect the decades long passion for a PvP TLP. I won't play there but I hope the small contingent that wants one does get their server one day.
    Overcast451 likes this.