Targeting pet with a macro

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sherrarnah, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. Sherrarnah New Member

    Hi All
    What I am trying to do is target my pet and other toons pet with an individual macro to cast a spell on it so the text for the macro is:
    /target Jouvalspet
    /pause 5
    /cast 9
    The pet name is permanent
    It worked fine when the pets name was created. Zoned and then get :
    I dont see anyone by that name around here.
    I am using the same macro with names adjusted to cast on toons and that works fine. I want to avoid using function keys if I can to target the pets going forward.

    Any suggestions or help gratefully received.
  2. Alnitak Augur

    Customize your extended target window, say, assign slot 13 to "my pet"
    Then your macro may look like:
    /pause 5, /xtar 13
    /cast 9

    Other toon's pets may be assigned to extender targets via "current target" assignment
  3. Sherrarnah New Member

    Thanks for the reply
    That seems to work
    Is there a way to keep that populated even if the pet dies or do you need to keep reassigning it?
  4. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    You can save extended target window profiles, and then load them again later.

    Unfortunately, there are no commands for doing this, you have to do it through the UI (by right-clicking in the extar window).
  6. Lianeb Augur

    /xtar set 13 name
    Target the pet
    /xtar add
    it will get added to first available slot (unassigned slot)
  7. Iven the Lunatic

    For casting spells on the pet of another firm PC:

    /pause 3,/target ToonName
    /pause 3,/target %m
    /cast 9

    This does not work.
  8. LesserArchi Elder

    I think you have use the pause micro like Iven did.
    If you use the pause by itself in a line after a command, then something goes wrong later. (not 100% sure)
    I remember using the pause like that sometime ago and noticing things didn't work anymore.
    Check my target all there, etc. but never worked again.

    I think I may have smashed the keyboard several times in frustration and decided to redo micro.
  9. Theka Elder

    if you /pause 5,/tar group1 twice u target pet
    Iven and Svann2 like this.
  10. eqgamer Augur

  11. Iven the Lunatic

    Putting a single pause command into a line does only require more space but does not cause specific problems. Pause combined with other commands in the same line does run the pause command AFTER the other commands. Up to three commands in one line are possible but not all of them do stack and work together. It is "/pause" + "/primary_command" + "/timer" that are stackable. Either ";" and "," can be used as command separators. Blank spaces on both sides of the comma or semicolon will be ignored but can be included.


    /say Hello
    /timer 10
    /pause 10 [1 second]
    /say Bye

    is the same as:

    /pause 10 , /say Hello;/timer 10 [different separators and blank spaces as examples]
    /say Bye

    This macro does not work. "%m" cannot be used together with the target command. All it does is returning "Pet" or "PC's pet/warder" in the chat echo no matter if there is a target at all or whatever the target is. Seems to be broken.

    So far the only script that does work to target the pet of another PC with a macro button without using the x-target window is:

    /pause 4, /target ### [name]
    /target group# [1-6]
  12. Iven the Lunatic

  13. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Did some testing on both an explicitly named pet, and generated name pet.

    It's my belief this is related to a naming bug with /tar, I see you posted in that thread also

    Testing results:
    /assist %m :still works
    %m :still works
    /say Look alive %m! :still works
    /con %m :still works oops, it seems to con yourself in this case.

    /tar %m :"don't see anyone by that name"

    /tar playername :targeting player's pet (or familiar). As reported in the thread I linked. I didn't test this.

    Seems like to me /tar is broken.

    Interesting...Emotes don't work with %m either.

    /dance %m :"don't see anyone by that name"
    /hug %m :"don't see anyone by that name"

    Instead of /tar being broken, possibly there are two different code paths to return an object target from a name? /assist code path is correct, /tar and /emotes code path is incorrect. Would be my current guess.

    Perhaps even an 'execution before full expansion' error? Maybe the server code is trying to return a result based on "%m" instead of waiting to resolve that to the pet's name.
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Carden likes this.
  15. Iven the Lunatic

    %m does only generate a chat echo that is supposed to return the pet name for flavour (like for assist and pullling buttons) similar to %r (race) and %s (sex, gender). It has no other function. So when you used "/assist %m" and it worked, you already had a target and it is the same than just "/assist". Same with "/con %m" which is technically just "/con". Only "/con does get processed and as %m is not a valid parameter for /con it does just get ignored.
  16. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Yes I'm aware of all the % chat variables. This is how I macro and has always worked fine.

    I didn't have a target when I tested any of those, did you? (test it properly?)

    /assist %m switches target from what I have to my pet's target. This worked before extended target window existed, and still works today.

    I never use /tar %m, so maybe it never worked.

    %m resolves to pet name, /tar %m should call /tar yourpetname on the server. Perhaps /tar doesn't resolve the % variables. But /assist %m resolves it correctly and /con %m resolves it correctly.

    There are three current threads I reference with targeting errors in my bug report. And a March 9 patch note about a change to pet names.

    If it's a bug or not, they can decide. I didn't have to change any of my macros, /assist %m still works great.
  17. Iven the Lunatic

    Just did my own testings and you were right in your last few posts. I found an inconsistency which is maybe a bug: Instead of "%m", "pet" can be used sometimes but not always. "/con pet" does work but "/assist pet" does not work.

    %m - works when being used together with other commands
    /assist %m - works
    /assist pet - works not
    /con %m - works
    /con pet - works
    /target %m - works not "don't see anyone by that name"
    /target pet - works not "don't see anyone by that name"
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  18. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Awesome! I'm not sure I'd ever heard of pet in macros. Wondering how long that has been in the game.

    Thanks for doing that testing and verifying my results too.

    Just a little note: You can simply type %m in a chat window (no slash) and it echos your pet name without 'saying' it out loud.