Fixed Advanced Loot window interaction causing crashes

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Bullwyf, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. Bullwyf Journeyman

    This is a very annoying bug that comes and goes. Interaction within the Advanced Loot window sometimes causes EQ to completely crash out to desktop. Sometimes there is a small freeze-up before crashing, other times it's just straight out.
    Had this happen on two of my computers yesterday, when trying to loot some healing vials for a Bixie warfront HA. This time, it happened to be the same item in the advanced loot window that I was trying to loot. Other times, it appears to be completely random. There is a split second you know it's coming, when clicking on a box in the advanced loot window and there's no response.
  2. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Not 100% sure it will be fixed, but there is mention of some ADV Loot fixes in today's patch:
    Bullwyf likes this.
  3. klanderso Developer

    Yeah, the advanced loot window crashes should be fixed with today's update.
  4. Bullwyf Journeyman

    Very nice! I have not seen the patch notes. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Warpeace Augur

    This mean I can actually rebuild my always / never lists and not crash?
  6. klanderso Developer

    I believe so. Though if it does happen, please let me know here :)
  7. zleski Augur

    Does this fix address raid leaders (or raid master looter, more specifically) crashing in some situations with advanced loot when someone leaves the raid?
  8. klanderso Developer

    I'm hoping so. If it happens to you again, please create a new thread so we can do more investigating!
    Skuz likes this.