Temple of Veeshan AOC

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by LoLitsNeal, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. LoLitsNeal Journeyman

    Greetings everyone!

    I went to Temple of Veeshan to payback my respects to the dragons of old in the form of a good butt kicking. To my sadness, when i opened up an Agent of Change instance to the temple it was empty. All the trash add dragons were up, but no named dragons except very few. What am I missing? I thought they had removed the key needed and it did actually let me zone right in.
  2. bortage spammin lifetaps

    this happened to me the first time I tried out an AOC instance because I zoned in through the regular zone line instead of getting the AOC npc to port me in
    minimind and Hobitses like this.
  3. LoLitsNeal Journeyman

    Hahahaha omg Bort...... you might be right...... woooooow i feel dumb. And I wasted like an hour running through that giant zone looking for mobs hahaha. Woops.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I admit..I have done this.