Type 3 augs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Seamus, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    Most everything in this game is irrelevant. Having said that, it is undeniable that if I have a type 3 aug for my 120 spear (as a hypothetical example) and you do not... and everything else is exactly the same between us, and you and I go to the same combat dummy and cast 100 spears... the chances of me doing more damage than you is much higher than a 50/50 coin flip.

    All because I spent 27k and got that type 3 and you did not.

    Yes, we can debate the cost (I don't think it is that bad, but then again I sometimes sell collects and T1 attunement gear in Bazaar and get plat to overcome that cost). Yes we can debate that it should do more (won't argue there). But to say that there is no benefit at all is a bit.... false.
  2. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Perhaps I should say "marginal" benefit. I don't raid, so the concept of maxxing out everything just to squeeze out a couple of more points of damage here or a couple of more points of healing there is irrelevant to me. We had 2 months or so of no Type 3's and everyone managed just fine. Having to buy these little pieces of junk every expansion, only to trash them and buy an upgrade with the next expansion is something I will gladly stop doing in this game, since their benefit to me isn't worth the plat.
  3. Alnitak Augur

    What benefit IS worth the plat to you ?
    I have 3 All Access acounts, with about 15 lvl 120 toons. New visible armor, new spells, new type 3 augs costed me under 10 million pps. I had about 10 months to save it up, and I will have another 10 months to replenish the coffers. If somebody of lvl 120 can not earn 1 mil pp per month, especially those who do not raid, then it's not the cost of type 3 augs is the problem, it's the player who is the problem.

    Anyway, back to my question - what to spend platinum on besides upgrading the equipment ?
    I literally only spend pp on mercenaries upkeep. And occasionally go back to prior expansion for money-runs. Spend an evening in older zones - pocket couple millions (eventually, when stuff sells at bazaar at lowest competitive price).
  4. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I'm not saying I can't afford them...I'm just saying I see no benefit to buying them. For me.

    We had 2 months with no type 3 augs. Unless I missed a post somewhere, I saw no one complaining about not being able to finish progression without them. I saw no one complain about not being able to beat missions without them. I saw no one complain that named were too hard to kill without them. And I saw no raiders complain they couldn't kill a target without them.

    In fact, the only complaints I saw were complaints about them not being in the game at expansion launch (myself included). Now that I've seen they make no difference to my gameplay experience, I'm saying that I see no need to waste plat on them just because that's what we've always done. We've been so conditioned to just buy them that most of us have stopped wondering if we actually need them. I now know the answser to that for my toons.

    So far, the only people I see advocating for them are people obsessed with min/maxxing their stuff so they can show how big their virtual you-know-what is and people who need numercial confirmation that they're "better" than the other guy. I don't fall into either of those categories, which means I have no real use for them...which means I'm not going to worry about buying them again.

    You want to have the max "numbers" on your gear to prove you're the "best"? That's cool...you do you. For me, it's not important.
    Kazint likes this.
  5. Cicelee Augur

    And there is nothing wrong with not wanting them. It is a choice that each of us make with regards to our characters. There is no right or wrong answer, so if you don't want to get them, that is great.

    What I do take issue with, however, is your belittling and condescending comments about people who do buy them only to show off their virtual you know what, showing off their numbers to prove they are "best", etc.

    I get them because I want to help my guild win raids. I min/max my magician so that I can put myself in the best possible position to not let down the 53 other people I raid with. If I go into a raid and I am not utilizing all of my available resources and tools, then I am not giving 100% effort to them. And as someone who has been part of a wide variety of teams in my real life... you expect those you are with to give their best effort. To try their hardest. And if I can spend 27k on an augment that adds 5k damage to a spell I cast, then that is a small price to help out my guild and those I raid with.

    And trust me, if I ever raid with Sancus and I out parse him.. in no way shape or form would I think I am better than him or think I am the "best" magician. I would probably fall out of my chair if that ever happened, but that is another story.

    Some people want to give the effort of the 13th man on a basketball team. Cool. Some of us want to help lead our team to a championship. Don't belittle those who do.
    Ibadan Kun'Tirel, Metanis and Svann2 like this.
  6. Bigstomp Augur

    EQ is a game of small changes adding up to big things.
    Yeah, the type 3's are a little pricy but you'll use them for an entire year (likely 2, level increase expansion).
    Augs in general are also optional.
    As is gear. You can punch things to death. (I am not suggesting this)

    Type 3 augs for dps mean the mob usually dies a little faster.
    Less time for unlucky to kill people, which then lowers dps further, and makes things take even more time.
  7. Kazint Augur

    I like the current type 3s and think they're worth it for what I like to do. However, If someone just wants to complete group achievements and do all the quests/missions then there's little difference whether you get them or not. And really it's smart to avoid any unnecessary time or money sinks.
  8. Svann2 The Magnificent

    definitely worth it for bards.
  9. Alnitak Augur

    Didn't Sontalak whipe the open raid at 2% health last Thursday? If everybody used +3% dps augs it would be the win.
    That small change would add to a big difference in outcome. Not every mob, but sometimes it happens.

    Sooo, everybody should go and get their Type 3 augs, bards first.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    That comment makes me feel as if you don't understand the Sontalak raid event.
  11. Alnitak Augur

    Your feeling deceives you.
    Pull Sontalak, burn from the start, punt away adds, loot the chest.
    Raid mechanics ? What raid mechanics ? Just burn-burn-burn.
    And on some evenings, on open raids, at the end enough ppl have left, so the raid is light on dps, tanking, healing, shamans and rangers, and things go wrong, and at just 2% health left Sontalak prevails.

    Opps. If we had just 3% more dps as a raid then Sontalak would have folded just a few seconds earlier and we'd have won, like we have done before, and before, and before.

    What is to not understand?
  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    So what killed you? Burning drakes that exploded and killed everyone around 7%? If so, more DPS definitely would have given you more hitpoints right?
  13. Alnitak Augur

    Attrition killed us.
    Meanwhile, you'd have to explain to unintelligent me, what lowered Sontalak's health from 7% at the time of exploding drakes, which killed everyone, down to 2% when the raid reset ?
    Who reduced Sontalak's health from 7% to 2% if everybody is dead from exploding drakes ?
    And why those drakes didn't kill everybody on previous successful Sontalak raids?

    Perhaps, exploding drakes are not as deadly as you imagine.

    And from my original point of view - we've managed to take off 98% of Sontalak's health. If Type 3 augs added the raid 3% extra dps, then we would have taken 101% of Sontalak's health in the same time, i.e. Sontalak would be dead while our last man was still standing. Exploding drakes or not, 101% means we win, 98% means we lost. With all things being exactly the same.

    What is your point? That there are other winning tactics? Of course there are. All I did brough real raid example where 3% dps difference actually mattered.
  14. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    DoT ticks, and the remaining folks that didn't die from the mass explosion but then later died to direct NPCs.
  15. Alnitak Augur

    Wait! Did you write that "Burning drakes that exploded and killed everyone around 7%?". And now you are writing about "remaining folks"? So, drakes didn't kill everyone or did they?
    And how did those drakes not kill everybody on previous successful raids?

    Some intermittenly exploding "killing everyone" with "remaining folks" not every raid drakes you got in there.

    Nah, we just failed the dps check by just 2%. If we had +3% dps from Type 3 augs we would have won.
    On previous raids we had more ppl and higher dps and we won with ease, the last one - we lacked the dps, and people, and tanking, and rangers, and other crowd control. But with 3% extra dps we would have won anyway.
  16. Bigstomp Augur

    I don't recall the exact percent, but you are correct.
  17. Sup Rog Elder

    Holy derailing. Anyways, you don't need Type 3 augs, you don't NEED anything. If you have fun in the game with average equipment and spells, then awesome. This is a character building game, where higher numbers are what most people play for. Most things aren't going to make a big difference, but when you add them up, they do. Pet focus, weapons, some focus items will make a noticeable difference right away, but hp/mana/ac stuff takes awhile, but you will see it eventually.

    People parse and challenge themselves and compete with others to be the best. Just like in RL, some people aren't driven to be the best they can be at anything, some people are competitive and strive to be better and better. What's nice is that you have the choice to play however you want.
    Nennius likes this.