Need advice on server and duo

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Uglug, Feb 15, 2022.

  1. Uglug New Member

    Just looking for advice about a TLP / Live server and maybe a duo combo for my son and I(my son is 25). We will be subbed. I have played MMORPGs since original EQ but bounced around through many others and my son has as well.

    Here are some things that matter to us. (yes some of these are crazy but most of these cant be changed for reasons I dont want to go into)

    1. More challenge than live but less than P99 (my son and I took down a lv 35 sand giant and named undead at under 20 with our mercs without coming close to dying).
    2. Mercs are ok since they allow a more flexible class combo but again, I dont want to faceroll old world.
    3. We will probably be spending most time in old world due to wanting lack of issues with others for camps plus I seem to enjoy old world better (my son is ok with that).
    4. No grouping ever. (last 2 are not trying to be antisocial, just rules that have to exist in order to play the game for us)
    5. Focused more on the leveling journey than what happens at endgame. (no cleric/enchanter because while it sucks leveling its best when you top out)
    6. One class will be a mage, other thoughts were shaman, ranger, beastlord, shadowknight.
    7. PoK is great because it gives flexibility on starting race and leveling areas.
    Just asking because in the last 2 months we have gone through a bunch of alternatives trying to find the best from P99, to Al'Kabor, to our own EqEmu server back to Live and a few TLPs.
    Funny thing is out of everything, our most important requirement is we get the right name on the server and go with the correct race :)
  2. Fluid Augur

    Firiona Vie server is a good choice. Less 'no drop', faster experience, lots of people.

    I've always recommended TLP servers when they are new. Nothing quite like the mad dash you get on them with people trying to level or be the first to take down raid targets. Doesn't hurt to play more then one server so if you go FV, you can hit the next TLP server that launches & still go back.

    Magician is a good choice. They are IMHO weak from maybe level 40 to 61. Last pet you are using at level 60 is only level 48 so it takes a beating. Soon as you hit level 61 your pet is level 60 and things are much better.

    Mercs are not on new TLP servers. On a server like FV, especially with a subbed account, are tough enough that it is almost automatic to make the first 50 levels or so.

    I run a lot of Magician-Ranger combos. The Mage summons arrows, the Ranger tracks & forages, nice combo. Higher level game when Ranger gets 'Head Shot' @level 59 is really trick. Merc or Mage pet anchors the MOB, Ranger stands back and plinks with arrows. For the first 50 levels the Ranger will heal your pet better then you can.

    Shaman is also great combo with a Mage. The buffs, slows, and heals are so good you can leave the Mercs behind. They also get a decent pet and great DOTs.

    Shadow Knight is good if you don't mind having a Merc Cleric. Two pets bashing a MOB with the SK DOTs and Mage burns will take down most MOBs even w/o a Merc, just a little slower leveling. SK has the all important 'Snare' type spells too.

    *BUT* there are a few other considerations. I like the group port spells you get with a Wizard or Druid. Some people like Bards because they can literally do everything from group invisibility to mana songs. Enchanters are good as mana pumps and the fastest kills you can have are with them charming MOBs and using it as a damage dealer.
  3. Herf Augur

    If you're that enthused over old world stuff, you might consider Agnarr. Truebox only (1 toon per computer) Permanently locked at PoP/LDoN/Ykesha. Very friendly server. Good community. Level limited to 65. Since it's locked you can play when and as often as you want but not fall behind as others charge onto the next expansion (no more expats. on Agnarr.)
  4. Uglug New Member

    Thanks for the advice!

    Tried FV but its so popular its very hard to get a name :( Also , the faster xp isnt a big seller for us because like I said, we are more about having fun while leveling vs hitting max level.

    Tried Agnarr since I played on it when it first launched and still seems like a good place.

    I know it sounds crazy, but having so many options with all the different expansions on different servers makes you want it to be just right...
  5. code-zero Augur

    Yeah, you know killing a level 35 sand giant duoing with mercs isn't much of an achievement but it's not a particularly great way to judge a server either.

    Common self reliant duos are SK/Shaman, SK/Druid, Druid/Enchanter

    There are more but those just come off the top of my head. All I ever consider with name is how well the first 3 or 4 letters work for an abbreviation when talking about the character. Now the Surname is a whole different story
  6. Uglug New Member

    Like I said above, its more about challenge than anything else. If the 2 of us can sit in a zone and be attacked by 2 deep reds almost twice our level and 3-4 blues at the same time and not be in fear of dying, its not much fun for me. The mercs were there to allow us to do the non-traditional "best" duos in the game.

    For us, the RP part (mainly headcannon) is EXTREMELY important for our combos. My son and I have been playing MMOs together for about 15 years. If the RP isnt working we usually delete the characters and start over - no matter how long we have played them - because "reasons" as implied above.

    I did the whole find the right server for the community, for the playstyle for the PvP, for the faction, for the economy. Now, because of some issues beyond my control, none of that matters. My son and I will be duo'ing and probably never talk to another soul in game. Its why I set up an EqEmu server just for us to try.
  7. code-zero Augur

    The abbreviated nickname is all part of the roleplay. You need to put time into achievements if you think that you can simply delete a character over a name.

    I do not understand that at all
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Wow. Well, on behalf of folks who aren't antisocial. Bye.
  9. Uglug New Member

    As I said above, I have my reasons. My son is disabled. Been locked up in a hospital before they finally changed his diagnosis from bi-polar to autistic. He simply was having meltdowns from being overwhelmed before - now I have figured out how to control the things that will set him off. He cant work, cant drive and doesnt leave our small apartment. His only outlet in the world is pretty much his MMORPG.

    Simply having a person ask him to be on their friends list has caused him to break out screaming in the house, throwing his computer and deleting his character. He doesnt do mean things to other people, but certain things cause issues. He has made several hundred email addresses for WoW because his achievements have gotten messed up because he made a second character on his account. Its also why the names are so important. He simply has to have things a certain way and no its a REAL issue and not something you can just force him to change. Thats been tried and failed miserably.
    Grove likes this.
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    None of which you mentioned above. Having said that, I apologize and approve of your course of action. I stand fully corrected.
  11. Fluid Augur

    I'm kind of funny on names too. Usually I've been running a character named Walter Wego that I've been using in RP since about 1985ish? When every I hesitate, I lose the name on a new server.

    Other stuff like code-zero says, worry about the first three letters or so. Bobdabuilder will be called Bob in game, Caliphony will be Cal, et cetera. Limited by the number of letters because you can add a surname and titles when you advance. You end up having a name like 'Sage Rocknroll Forever the Troll Slayer' eventually.

    I've lost some names I really liked and created over 20 years ago. Flyght became FlyghtXXX as servers merged and I lost out in the naming roll of the dice three times. The Xs are their way of handling name conflicts.

    I tried to get my girlfriend to play. Was going to name my character 'Brick and hers 'Layer but she would have none of it. :)
    code-zero likes this.
  12. Shaiken Journeyman


    There is always the Test Server as well.

    • Full content unlocked including all expansions (equivalent of paid subscription on live servers + expansions free).
    • You can make up to 8 characters per account on Test.
    • No limitations on Mercs, so as a F2P player you can get the journeyman mercs on test (you have free Gold Membership)
    • Test Server is always ongoing, so never wipes.
    • Test receives all new content and expansions weeks before regular servers.
    • Serverwide DOUBLE EXP! This applies to LOTD & Hotzones as well so you can effectively get 8x EXP!!
    • Ability to copy over ANY existing toon from ANY server by logging in and typing /testcopy! The only limit is once every 8 hours, so just keep copying over an alt with all your cash and special items on it and you will never have cash problems in game [IMG]
    • Leveling is really fast, you actually see your EXP bar move when you kill stuff (not like days of old when it took 3 days of hardcore playing to get 5% EXP, lol)
    • Ability to instantly level any new level 1 character to level 25 will a full suit of armor and all spells/songs for that class by typing /testbuffme.

    Nice perks for something that is 100% free. You might not use all the perks. I might of missed something too. I don't recall everything about the test server anymore.

    On a side note. I understand how your son feels. I am also autistic. Wish I had family who wanted to play games with me (haven't even talked to my father in 21 years). I spend my day alone, I can make friends, but they don't understand my special needs, so I never keep friends. Gets depressing. So I quit trying. That is my life though.

    Have you guys played games like Ark, Valheim, 7 Days to Die, Terraria or MInecraft? I found those games crazy stimulating. EQ is just pure routine for me. Not much creativity. RIP EQ Landmark.
  13. Jaedo Journeyman

    DM me if you think it might help, but I have the unique skillset of being both obsessed with EQ since 2000, and being an autism support teacher (for elementary students, but I have behavior intervention skills for all ages). I want to make assumptions based on what you are saying, but I don't want to offer public advice without your permission.
    Grove and code-zero like this.
  14. Bernel Augur

    One thing you might want to consider is using the lower level mercs for more of a challenge. As you probably know, they go from apprentice 1 to journeyman 5 and their ability scales relative to that. If you want just backup healing, get some A1 cleric mercs. They will provide some extra healing, but they won't be so good that you can just sit back and do nothing. Also, to increase your enjoyment and engagement, I would recommend not using mercs to tank. If they are the ones doing the fighting, it is easier to get in the mode of sitting back and letting them take over. I wouldn't recommend using lower level tanks since they are so bad it would be frustrating. And, of course, there's always the option of not having mercs.

    If you're not concerned about being part of the community, a live server might be a good choice. With most of the population being 110+, you'll have the lower level zones to yourself. You'll probably be totally ignored and I doubt if anyone will initiate chat or anything.

    From what you've described, I'm thinking it may work out best to find out what class your son likes to play the most and then find a class which would be a good match. Is he going to be the mage? For enjoyment of the leveling experience, a good match would be a druid. They provide a lot of utility which makes the experience more enjoyable. They can buff, make travel easy, egress the group out of trouble, and help out with healing and damage. In outdoor zones they can reduce the aggro range of NPCs so you can split groups. In terms of ensuring he has a fun experience, a druid would do that. It might not be the fastest way to level, but it sounds like that's not necessarily a concern for you.
  15. Vumad Cape Wearer

    You do have the option of not using mercs. Or just use 1 merc. There is no reason to go to a TLP instead of live because of mercs and Defiant gear. Just set your own personal RPG ruleset and live by it. No defiant armor and no mercs. It'll also save you a lot of money since you can play for quite a while on a live server before you need to sub. Since you want to duo without other players, live is probably the best and most empty place to do so. I would only go to TLP for the economy.