TOL Bard Songs not giving proper Damage / DPS

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by a_Paladin_Main82813, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. a_Paladin_Main82813 New Member

    Note: Lvl 120 bard w/ full necessary aa and COV raid gear.
    According to the spell data, there should have been a Raw 7.62% DPS increase from TOV Rk. III (4) poison/disease/fire/cold DOT's to TOL Rk.2 (4) poison/disease/fire/cold DOT's. I am only seeing a 2.93% DPS increase. It would seem as there is either a cap in place or a modifier isn't working.

    Song: Lvl 113. Malvus's Chant of Poison Rk. III --- Base Dmg - 4688
    Song: Lvl 118. Cruor's Chant of Poison Rk. II ------ Base Dmg - 5045
    (Should be 7.62% increase)
    Increase scales properly with no mod, but gets mucked up with instrument (percussion) mod implemented.

    ------------------------------------------------------ 113 Rk3 - 118 Rk2 - % Increase
    Base DMG (Tick) - (on spell info)----------- 4688 ------ 5045 ----- 107.62%
    Single Dot Tick - no percussion mod------- 57,656 --- 62,043 -- 107.61%
    Single Dot Tick (Crit) - no percussion------ 233,306 - 251,073 - 107.62%
    Single Dot Tick - w/ 350 percussion-------- 140,238 - 144,353 - 102.93%
    Single Dot Tick (Crit) - w/ 350 percussion - 567,763- 584,428 - 102.94%
    Tropi likes this.
  2. Gorg00 Augur

    Don't bard songs cap how much instrument mod they can get based on their rank? You're comparing a Rank 2 to Rank 3, I think Rank 2 can only get group level instrument mods.
  3. sandmans/fusionx New Member

    any help please, 3 box on bard what gives more damage for dots ? dots with instruments playing or loading just dots from 110 to 120 they seem to stack.