So, what was that all about?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Svann2, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Anyone figure out what ToL was about? Why did we support Mayong over Aten Ha Ra, besides that that was what was required to finish the mission?
  2. Hekaton Augur

    still trying to figure out that restless ice bruh
  3. Riou EQResource

    Something about Luclin betraying or being betrayed by Mayong in the past makes them hate each other

    Luclin ritually killing Vah Shir (possibly all races though Vah Shir called out specifically) to make more shades (probably for her war against Mayong)

    Luclin wants to do this to Mayong to take his power to do something evil
    Svann2 likes this.
  4. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    Killing Vah Shir makes you the good guy/gal.
    Kazint and Pano like this.
  5. Fanra

    Death's face became a little stiffer, if that were possible. The blue glow in his eye sockets flickered red for an instant. "I SEE," he said. The tone suggested that death was too good for cat haters.
    — Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters
    Qwalla, Yinla and Svann2 like this.
  6. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  7. Tegila Augur

    I support same for paladins.

    Ladybugs are invasive, feral hogs are invasive, at least in many states for both. Paladins aren't as invasive as they once were but still pesky little varmints
  8. Flatchy Court Jester

    I agree they are always trying to lay hands on you!
    Tegila likes this.
  9. Someplayer New Member

    Kill em all, and let the Gods sort them out
  10. uberkingkong Augur

    If I play Iksar, why am I stuck with linear good paths. I'm evil, I should be able to do evil paths.
  11. GoneFission Augur

    Is it possible that Luclin is just upset about her name being mispronounced?
    Fanra and Skuz like this.
  12. Fenthen aka Rath

    Anyone pronouncing her name as "Loose-Lyn" gets random DTs throughout the day.
    Fanra, Skuz and Axxius like this.
  13. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I should add that I am completely okay with Dwarves & Halflings being tortured.
  14. Truetotheblue Augur

    The goranga in Maidens Eye would like to have a word with you.
  15. Fanra

    “I beg your pardon. My name is Teatime, Jonathan Teatime. At your service.”

    Susan lined up the syllables in her head.

    “You mean…like around four o’clock in the afternoon?” she said.

    “No. I did say Teh-ah-tim-eh,” said Teatime. “I spoke very clearly. Please don’t try to break my concentration by annoying me. I only get annoyed at important things.
    Yinla and Svann2 like this.