Spells and your Spellbook.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Silver-Crow, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. Silver-Crow Augur

    So.. 20 new pages of the spellbook.

    Do we really need this.... I know no-one likes deleting spells from their spellbook, but really how often do you refer to your old spell list (except maybe when power levelling)

    We all know that when there's a level bump, the new spells are usually just a powerup of the old spells, more damage/buff/heal/mana cost usually.

    It would be much less confusing if the new spells just overwrote the old spells... pretty much as a rank 2 spell overwrites the rank 1 one currently.

    Additionally i think it would make heroic characters much less confusing especially with the new lvl 100 boost incoming.
    Kazint likes this.
  2. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    To put it simply, I expect it takes a lot less development time to just add more pages than to rewrite the entirety of spell/ability progression for all 16 classes.
    Ozon likes this.
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Yes, we really need this. That is why we asked for it. :)

    Its been a while since we got the last increase back in 2017 so it was very much needed.

    Remember EQ has hundreds of things to do and use in the game and just because one player does not see what another player does in the value of something does not mean that it is not needed or should be taken out of the game.
    Fenthen, Ozon, Aanuvane and 1 other person like this.
  4. Iven the Lunatic

    It was about time for the additional spells pages. Great addon even when being late. Old spells are still usefull for PL, farming lower level mobs, buffing lower level PCs, etc. Some are even needed for quests.
  5. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    I think it would be awesome if they did some stacking rules like this and made it so that the highest level possible buff would be applied when cast on a low level character. There are times tho that I pull out a low level spell for whatever reason, like not wanting to one shot a low level mob due to the script for an event, or just being more efficient farming low level stuff. If they were all overwritten by the highest level of the spell line that wouldn't be possible.

    It would also be a bit tragic if you scribed your new bread and butter class spell overwriting the lower level version, and then died & deleveled and couldn't cast either any more.
    Raccoo likes this.
  6. Silver-Crow Augur

    You can always still memorise the lower spells if you wanted through the right click spell menus, but have only the top level spell/rank in your spellbook.

    In other words everything is still there for use, but the spellbook clutter is all gone.
    Not really a huge update as the mechanism is already in place (i.e. the menus)
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    This could become very complicated to keep track of which ranks of which spells you have of the older spells. And there are times when you want an older spell over a newer one.
    Yinla likes this.
  8. Iven the Lunatic

    An UI revamp is planned for 2023. Maybe it will include the spellbook. I am one of the few players that still does sort the spellbooks the classic way as this is the best method to get quick access without searching for a long time. For a new spellbook UI I would like to be able to additionally also search and sort spells by their categories (heals, debuffs, offensive buffs, defensive buffs, travel buffs, DD, DoT, AoE, crowd control, etc.) and levels with a filter inside the spellbook and not like currently in the spell gem menue which is a bit small and quirky even that the idea is good. Another idea is to have a preset standard spellbook that does work like a stamp catalogue where every spell would have a preseted firm place and where missing spells could be easily seen.
  9. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Theoretically you would want old spells when there is an event that cripples your spell casting ability, but otoh they havent done that in years because everyone hated it.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    But there are still older events which you might revisit for various reasons that would still require older spells for various reasons.
  11. Kazint Augur

    Or they could just let us delete spells and we can make our own decisions. It has gotten to the point where the cascading menus have gotten annoying to use and I'd love to delete 80% of my spells.
    scaethach likes this.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Seems like adding new pages isn't a complicated process and not being able to delete spells you can't buy back from a vendor isn't a bad thing.
  13. Kazint Augur

    Like I said, the problem is the cascading menu. It's taking up the whole screen at this point and it's not like I ever use the spellbook. The book t UI is even worse and has been obsolete forever now. I'm just glad I can make spell sets and avoid the issue the majority of the time.

    And I don't see why deleting spells should be a problem. It's not like I even chose to mem a lot of the spells I have. So many bad spells are linked to good spells on the spell runes so you're just stuck with them. And just because I can't easily re-buy the spell doesn't mean it has a purpose anymore. I really have zero interest in collecting spells.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Because people make mistakes and it would lead to unneeded CS tickets?
  15. Kazint Augur

    Have an are you sure dialog? Just like we have for looting no drop items. It's not like people can't re-get the spells by playing the game if they want to get them again that badly but CS shouldn't concern themselves with people choosing to delete their own spells.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Even that would still end up in tickets to CS and complaints on the forums if CS didn't replace the spells. Seems like there are other solutions to the problems besides deleting spells.
  17. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Have 2 books. One you carry with you and another in the bank to optionally archive your old spells.
    Evurkvest likes this.
  18. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    I really do agree. But my ultimate wish would be better options for memming new spells.

    We can save spellsets. Great. It works. And I use it just like everyone else does.

    Here's what I want though:

    /mem spell# slot#


    /mem spellname slot#

    Make that work, and I'd never use to use the right click interface or spellbook ever again.

    And for crying out loud, yes, I'm aware of the age old method of saving spellsets with only one or 2 spells memmed, and using save sets with those slots being empty when saved.

    I want /mem spell# slot#
    FranktheBank and Kazint like this.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sounds like a good idea and could be expanded to scribe multiple spells in a single command.
  20. Mukkul Augur

    I'm pretty sure Enchanters were nearly out of room in their spell book. Plus you need at least several blank pages to allow icon organization and swapping.

    Spell books are a bit of a mess though with many hundreds of spells in them, and no method of automatic sorting or page shifting. Especially on heroic characters where the first few dozen pages are used up by default with low level spells.