The Aftermath

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Loratex, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    With the recent events of the “ban/suspension” the community has done a lot of talking, trash talking, fans over all blowing off steam.
    The best thing about EQ has been every ones ability to play this game the way they want to. It’s no surprise that “box armies” have become a staple for many across the game for what ever the individuals reasons. Great for them not so great for others. It seems that many people across all servers are finding themselves /lfg with no ability to get groups. On Facebook many people have come up with ideas for this /lfg solution.

    Skip the ^intro^
    1. Server merge - reduce spread of maintenance, cram more people together.
    2. A free server transfer - can label 2 servers as preferred or /lfg servers promoting solo players. (Take a poll and take the top ones). Let the players do the footwork so DB doesn’t have to. If it doesn’t work out then it’s clearly on the players.

    No specific rule sets
    No “get out you don’t belong here”
    Shui and Fenthen like this.
  2. Iven the Lunatic

    Server merges would help but they wont fix the core problems. What you can experience ingame is also a reflection of RL and societies have changed drastically over the past 22 years. The average EQ players is maybe 15 years older than in the year 2000. People are just not used anymore to be social or do lack the time and life energy for it. For many it is just more comfortable to box even when the rewards are less good.
  3. Warpeace Augur

    Don't do M :rolleyes: Q, also don't trust DP to be accurate with who they suspend.
    bootman and xcitng like this.
  4. Wuvarien Lorekeeper

    People have been after server merges for years... I'm not sure of the reasons, but I doubt it will happen.

    I play on AB and with how fast connections are now, it wouldn't really make much of a difference if they merged us with a US server.
  5. Paradisic_parasite Elder

    40 ping vs 200 ping is quite noticable.
    tanith and Svann2 like this.
  6. Wuvarien Lorekeeper

    Not sure where you’re from but most I’ve ever had was 138 and I’ve played on various servers. If it meant more stable servers with double/triple population I’d happily take the extra ping!
  7. swarmy New Member

    I agree with the let people play the game the way they want to play it. If they were after the groups that were AFK killing for long periods I think most would see that as a good thing since it can harm others if they are locking up desired camps. Pickzones are nice but only if there are enough around to get one. But their indescrimate random whack of the community did not help the game be better.
    Fenthen likes this.
  8. Laronk Augur

    Personally I’m 22 years older than I was in 2000
  9. sieger Augur

    Server merges always cause people to quit playing, a cure worse than the problem. I think EQ's group content should be a little more friendly to small groups supplemented with mercenaries (which means making mercenaries relevant), from a high level design perspective. Other than that any sweeping changes to the group game would require such a fundamental "re-think" of the basic EQ gameplay loop that I think it's unlikely.
    Allayna likes this.
  10. Elemental Augur

    Free server transfers to Zek
    Fenthen likes this.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    The producers letter mentioned server merges on the cards for 2022.

    Don't hold your breath for AB getting one. With the reasons for merging servers being more people to play with, with the time difference neither AB or the server it merged with would gain much in the way of additional players to group with.
  12. Sobmre Augur

    Lets hope
  13. Slasher Augur

    Likely referring to TLP mergers not live servers
  14. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

    Please no live server merges!
    Bigstomp and xcitng like this.
  15. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Really just need 1 Live server, 1 Free Trade server, and whatever stage the various TLPs are at - and when they get numbers reduced down to fewer than an active raiding guild then merge them in as well.

    With all the instancing, would it really matter much? May as well instance PoK and Guild Lobby as well.
  16. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    It does make me wonder how “accounts” 1 server can hold at a time.

    I feel like free server transfer and community agreeing which server we can all land on would be the more “less inconvenient way” for most players.
  17. Ozon Augur

    1 live server would be a nightmare. I recently transferred from Xegony to Bristlebane, and you might think a live server would solve the issues, but nope. The amount of server lag, pick up groups aren;t a thing, the economy is MUCH different.

    I think a series of smaller mergers and even possibly a free transfers to even out the populations between say 6 -8 live servers total would be a better solution than 1 bloated server.
  18. DeadRagarr Augur

    Doubtful its even possible, but he is more talking a megaserver. All of this is from someone who is talking out their .

    Megaservers are <From my experience in GW1 and ESO> much better balanced than traditional server structure because it load balances every into smaller instances/servers it creates on the fly and removes when not needed. Rather than be forced to load everyone on FV or BB. I don't think pick zones work the way ESO or Guild Wars 1 Mega server structure did.

    In the end, yes typically mega servers are much better for balance from what I have seen across games. Usually in traditional servers everyone eventually moves onto "The big servers" because its "the big servers", but that instead makes one incredibly laggy terribly server. This also means other servers become ghost towns.

    I do not, however think is possibly at this time for a system like this.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Considering recent TLP launches where players are sitting in a queue to log in because the server is at the player cap this would be a bad idea. Not to mention this would cause issues for accounts that have a lot of characters across many servers meaning that they would not be able to access all of them unless the cap was greatly increased on the single server.
    code-zero likes this.
  20. Micker Augur

    Server mergers will just add more boxers on the same server. People don't box because they can't find a group, they box, because they can't commit time to play in a group or take the time to create one etc.. I log on for a short time here and there. By the time I would get a group together and get to a place to exp, I would be logging off. Gone are the days of OOCing in Lower Guk, lfg lol. People use the boxing programs, because they go insane clicking between windows and buttons and switching back to the tank, then healer etc, it's not fun and stressful.

    This is a 22 yr old game, I was 28 when I started and I just turned 50. Stop acting like this game needs to be protected from people, using a simple boxing programs. I don't even use them, because I don't even play enough to make it worth it, but think they are useful for people and would use one, if I played more. Stop the people who are afk power leveling for krono 24/7 if you want, but even that doesn't make a difference in the game. Just let people play how they want, as long as they don't hurt others play time. If they are affecting other players unfairly, then deal with that action. Just relax on this non sense that the game has to be played with only one character, nobody does that anymore. Let people have fun in this OLD game and enjoy thier time.