Jan 18th patch for Mischief.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zandermill, Jan 2, 2022.

  1. Zandermill Death by Snoochie


    Any word on what we are looking at for the January 18th patch?

    Whats changing, what tiers are being adjusted?

    Appreciate you dev team. As a lifetime subscriber this server gave me a reason to play again! Really am loving it!
  2. Numiko Augur

    Absolutely nothing will change on January 18th, mostly because the patch is on January 19th ;)
    Yinla likes this.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Likely everything in the patch will be for the new expansion that launched in December. Also if you consider the holiday break and that most devs likely took time off after the expansion as part of it I would not expect a large patch this month.
  4. Nolrog Augur

    They put the patch up on test the week before it goes live, so you can get an idea on the 12th. But the January patch is usually focused heavily on addressing issues with the expansion.
  5. Lemerian Elder

    Well, you won't be able to know anything about tier changes from the patch appearing on test (unless it's explicitly spelled out in the patch notes which I kind of doubt it will be), and I'm sure that's what the OP was curious about.
  6. Kahna Augur

    Why would they make tier changes half way through an expansion?
  7. Lemerian Elder

    Because Ngreth said there would probably be at least some modifications, if nothing more than at least putting the t3 mobs on some table.
  8. EQEnzo New Member

    They were still changing the loot tables in velious two weeks out from luclin. When the tables are rushed (and bad), changes are warranted.
    Gnothappening likes this.
  9. malaki Augur

    The most likely thing is to just throw P3 into the same buckets as P4 and make that those soloable BiS fights even better and further diluting PoTime.
  10. Senthin1 Journeyman
