Rain in Mistmoor Castle

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Malbro, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. Malbro Augur

    Probably working as intended, but It is constantly raining in Mistmoore when I zone in. If you guys are going to have it rain all the time, at least let us use our orb of the calm seas to stop it.
    Mukkul likes this.
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    It doesn't always rain in mistmoore - you must have very bad luck. I haven't tried the orb though to start or stop it, are you getting that it doesn't work?
  3. Malbro Augur

    Yes, it is considered an indoor zone and my orb does not work indoor.

    Another peeve, it doesn't always thunder and lightning when it rains in the REAL world, at least not where I live.
    Mukkul likes this.
  4. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    What type of audio/visual stimuli do you usually experience from the REAL world weather when you're channeling your magical spells to slay vampires with your elven and ogre friends?
  5. Malbro Augur

    Clouds and wet stuff falling from said clouds without the benefit of thunder and lightning. Very seldom do we get thunder storms in the Portland, Oregon area. ;)
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Nor here in Sunny Rainy California. The biggest problem there is really one of deferred maintenance. The water pipes need to be checked and repaired at times. And not to mention the continual sewer pipe blockages there. Vampires are not careful about what they flush. Body parts, bits of broken weapons take a serious toll on the waste systems of Norrath.
  7. GNOME_POWER Augur

  8. Mukkul Augur

    Orb of Calm Tides might be intentionally disabled in indoor zones to prevent people from starting rain there.

    Although that doesn't explain Frosty Snow Globe which I think does work indoors.

    Meteorological Rocket will stop the rain in indoor zones. Downside is they only have 5 charges each.
  9. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I always check if a zone is indoors or outdoors by whether you can use mounts.
  10. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    What is odd, I can use mounts in this zone.
  11. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I'm sorry? Did you miss the part where this is a vampire castle?

    It always thunders and lightning at creature castles.

    "I am Frau Blucher"

    (Also, as a worshiper of Karana, the Rainkeeper, I believe in the absolute power of storms. I can tell you he's not happy with that place.)
    Duder, Tatanka and Nennius like this.
  12. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Interesting. One of my very favorite things in EverQuest is the thunder sound and the howling wind sound.
    Duder likes this.
  13. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Funny story. Took a trip to SF in '99, and we were eating at Bubba Gump's at Fisherman's Wharf, right at the far wall of windows, looking over the bay and the GG bridge. Absolutely beautiful view. Made even more awesome by the storm which rolled in, complete with thunder and lightning. We were thoroughly enjoying the show, til I had to turn and get the waiter's attention for something, and I noticed a room full of people in full freak-out mode. I waived the waiter over and asked what was going on. He pointed and said "thunderstorm". I literally laughed out loud. He then mentioned that they only get them once every 5-10 years, and they cause lots of wildfires, so people do freak out about it. Here in the midwest, we rarely have rain that isn't from a thunderstorm. Anyway, he then asked how I'd react to an earthquake. Even a small one. I replied, probably like you all are doing now! We laughed, and I gave him a nice tip :)

    Next morning on the news... sure enough, several wildfires broke out in the area!
    Winnowyl, Duder and Treage_Imminent like this.
  14. Febb Augur

  15. Malbro Augur

    I guess I did, but then I tend to stay away from those sorts :eek: