Life`s End begins casting Life's End ??

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Elysania, Dec 25, 2021.

  1. Elysania Journeyman

    [Sat Dec 25 12:25:57 2021] Life`s End begins casting Life's End.
    [Sat Dec 25 12:25:57 2021] Life`s End hit you for 127628 points of unresistable damage by Life's End.
    [Sat Dec 25 12:25:57 2021] Life`s End hit you for 123624 points of unresistable damage by Life's End.
    [Sat Dec 25 12:25:57 2021] Life`s End hit you for 123624 points of unresistable damage by Life's End.
    [Sat Dec 25 12:25:57 2021] Life`s End hit you for 123627 points of unresistable damage by Life's End.
    [Sat Dec 25 12:25:57 2021] Life`s End hit you for 123626 points of unresistable damage by Life's End.
    [Sat Dec 25 12:25:57 2021] You have been slain by Life`s End!

    Sooooo i'm just casually killing some trash mobs in KV and hit a lag spike and next thing I know group is dead and this took my entire group out lol. any idea what this is?
    600k AoE dps instantly seems a bit much. don't think its intended to be a trash mob mechanic?
  2. Gorg00 Augur

    As far as we've been able to figure out, it happens anytime someone dies in KV it triggers that AE.
  3. Elysania Journeyman

    Well Jesus lol. guess I wont get too ballsy with my pulls there anymore xD 600k ae to whole group just cuz 1 died. im fully raid geared on all 6 and insta splats
  4. Rumm New Member

    What exactly is Life's End? It happens on trash as well as named.
  5. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Ever here of a mid-life crisis? This is a life-end crisis. Just before you die you go "oh crap".