Fixed Overseer not giving correct reward

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by thenagel, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. thenagel New Member

    i checked 'preview reward' on all 5 of the tasks as i chose them. CoV tradeskill mats were listed as a reward option.
    when the task completed, CoV mats were not listed as an option on some of the tasks i picked. i'm sorry, but i didn't note specifically which tasks were giving incorrect rewards, as i wasn't expecting it and didn't think to write it down at the time. i do know that at least 1 of them was a research task.
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Already reported, can't find the thread. It's an "off by one" error where it may be the critical success rewards are attached to the regular success event so when you crit, it doesn't show the right options. Either way, its a reward on regular success but not crit success at the moment.
  3. thenagel New Member

    Ah, thank you. i searched a little before i posted, but didn't see anything.
    yes, that's exactly the issue, and was coming to update with that info. /cheers!