Cannot enter Great Divide (Only on Thornblade...)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Tyrac, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. Tyrac New Member

    This started about a week ago (12-10-21)....
    Everytime I try to enter GD on Thorneblade, two different characters, trying from Eastern Wastes-POK stone-Nexus portal, I get "SERVER NOT RESPONDING" then "YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED" and bounced back to the server select screen. Try to select server again and it says there is an active char, do you want to remove. Say yes, it goes to remove the char then kicks me to login screen. When I re-log, char select shows me in GD with only 'ENTER' option (Return home is greyed out.... for about 30 minutes). If I select Enter, same as before - screen freezes, after 2-3 minutes I get Server not responding etc so rinse and repeat.
    It is ONLY GD on Thorneblade that I have the issue,so far- I have no problems with any other zone so far .... Other chars -same account, diff servers (Firiona Vie, Err-Marr) have no issues. Tech support has made several suggestions including a fresh install, turn off firewall/AV etc but no joy. It happens on two different systems, two different ISPs. Support cannot replicate the issue. Anyone else have the problem or thoughts???
  2. Muji Augur

    I am having the same problem with the new Vex Thal zone. I can zone to ME and Umbral fine, but when I try to zone to Vex, it crashes. Ive tried 3 times, and each time I have to wait 15min for return home.
  3. Lubianx Augur

    Try deleting the files of the affected zone and then run validation.

    This fix has worked in the past
  4. Tyrac New Member

    Tried what Lubianx suggested -- no change. As noted before, I even tried a fresh install without any changes, and my characters on other servers can enter GD w/o problems. It also occurs on my other computer, on my alternate ISP. so still cannot get back to work on my next shawl :(
  5. Tyrac New Member

    As pf 1-3-22, the issue has resolved (On it's own???). No changes made on my end since last comment,, no further response from DEVs or support, just tried entering from PoK poortal and everything worked fine....