[Mischief] PoStorms Flagging Issue - To Devs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Slayerwolf, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. Slayerwolf Elder

    Based on Aradune drop rates, of which I don't know if Mischief will be tweaked, the Medallion drops were limited to 6 per named. The DZ has 3 named end-named mobs spawn, not the other 6 weaker "minis." The end-named are very hard, and they will not be easily killed. I would think three very well geared and played groups would be required at a minimum.

    Therefore, we're looking at a max potential of getting 6 DZ flags per week if are not extremely lucky on the "small drop chance" of getting medallions on the trash mobs for a group of 18, at best.

    One might say, well, "Why not farm the open world for medallions?"

    Great question!! These medallions will go for tons of Krono, so they will be super-prime for the warped-botters that don't eat, sleep or take breaks. I expect the entire zones to be completely wiped permanently and forever, and the only way to get these open-world medallions to be from buying them for Krono directly from the botters.

    I really hope this approach is re-considered. This seems like a ripe opportunity to rob the community of the joy of the flagging process and just make us have to pay irl cash to bypass it. And, worst of all, we have to pay the warp-botters irl money (they convert it on shady sites) in order to have the privilege of them ruining our experience.

    Please help.
  2. tollo New Member

    This bottleneck was totally solved. The zone trash drop key pieces at an obscene rate. Your entire raid will be flagged from modest PoS DZ splits. Any stragglers can get keyed by killing random trash in open world with zero competition because DZs hand out so many complete flags.

    There's no money in it anymore. Krono lords will be monopolizing parchment and ornate mold camps.
  3. Kahna Augur

    Yeah, this is not a problem. Based on Aradune, this is a single group task and even if you don't kill a single named you can key a full group in an hour, two if you are very unlucky.
  4. Slayerwolf Elder

    Since the DZ only has the end-boss named, and these named only drop 6 drops (per Aradune), then you would key 6 people per week, unless you got lucky on the drops, unless I'm missing something. Again, these mobs are not extremely easy, and I would think it would take 3 groups. What am I missing (if anything)?

    Do Medallions drop at that high of a rate off trash?!?
  5. Machen New Member

    Medallions drop at a high rate off trash now. Yes. Which is what the posters you are replying to told you, but you didn't read it.

  6. Slayerwolf Elder

    I assumed he was referencing the original trash-mob drop key pieces, not the medallions (as there are two key pieces per area). If he's referencing both, then that's great.
  7. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    Huh, had no idea they added medallions to trash. Good to know, updated my guide to reflect that.
    Karreck likes this.
  8. Mrjon3s Augur

    So they already fixed it. Every mini named mob drops 6 medallions and the regular giants have a chance of dropping them. Day one on rizlona I popped my AoC after getting justice flag done. Cleared all the giant camps and got 5 keys completed and 1 missing a medallion.
  9. Baldur Augur

    jeskola and Rasper Helpdesk like this.
  10. bardybard Augur

    It's a non issue at all, you get enough medalions from DZs to flag your entire guild ... that is if you dont do something silly like lock your entire 72 person raid to the same instance.
  11. Machen New Member

    Even if you do that, there's no problem getting it done in open world now. Pickzones are sufficient for everyone's needs.
  12. Mattling Elder

    We got an entire guild flagged in about 6 hours, it's a non-issue.
  13. tollo New Member

    Yeah this patch note really undersells the drop rate on zone trash. It's like a 30% drop rate for medallion pieces. It was probably set that high to make DZ only keying viable which is nice and chill.
    Xyroff-cazic. likes this.
  14. jeskola pheerie

    I've got great news, OP. You also no longer have to loot your gear off your corpse when you die.
    Gheed likes this.
  15. MustardonWatermelon Elder

    You're so hardcore.
  16. Penelo Lorekeeper

    For PoStorms just form up solid groups and go full clear trash, then add people to the DZ if you have extra pieces. Some of our DZ groups were unlucky and only completed 4 full flags, but others had enough to bring in extra people and flag them. I think our best DZ clear flagged 10 people fully day 1.

    Open world is easy to pick up any straggler pieces since they drop so frequent. PoStorms bottleneck no longer exists.

    The current bottlenecks are:

    Carprin event only flags 36 to click on chair to Bertox. (Can cheese by having unflagged leave the raid but not the DZ. 36 click down, then add 6 in, they click and drop raid again, rinse and repeat. Once everyone is down you re-add) This is similar to work-arounds that are used to get extra piggies in a raid/DZ by parking flagged people in the raid but not the DZ.

    Door key to Saryn's tower (cheese with mobs who summon and drag/res through it if you are cheesy) The mobs that drop the key pieces generally aren't farmed after day 2-3 and no one ever experiences in Torment, so this one isn't really that horrible to just key for. The only people that door skip here are the people racing for server firsts usually.
  17. Lemerian Elder

    I would add getting the drops from each elemental plane for the vial. I've actually seen It take a few hours to get the drops for those, especially if there's competition.
  18. Machen New Member

    Getting Carprin OW+DZ will get you to 72 flags with no need to exploit. There's no bottleneck for the guild that gets it. It's the strategy that most winning race guilds have used.

    What you're describing isn't at all the same as using the piggie mechanic in a normal and valid way.
  19. Penelo Lorekeeper

    There is only 1 OW Carprin to get. Every other flagging event in PoP has been normalized to let a full raid flag through except for Carprin and maybe PoEarth (I can't remember this one but I think even it awards full raid flags now?) I see them not changing Carprin/chair-click as an oversight and until the Devs say unintended/exploit, I'll continue to see it that way.

    Regardless of any of this the chair and click up to sol-ro tower are notoriously buggy and even after getting your flags properly you may not be able to even use them.
  20. Gheed Is not reading your response

    It was an absolute JOKE to get these done on Aradune.

    On Mischief you might have to deal with more competition due to the nature of the server but the fact that any trash giant can drop medallions means the bottleneck is fixed.