This doesn't seem right..?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Weaps, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Weaps Journeyman

    Saw the quadrigeminal ursine auctioning Sextant of the Lost Pirate today... the required lvl 65 and heroic stats seemed out of era, but admittedly I'm seeing so many items I'm unfamiliar with on Mischief given it's novel loot rules. Would this be considered safe to buy, or questionable?
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

  3. Captain Video Augur

    Very questionable, at least if it is indeed on Mischief. All of the rewards from the "Save Firiona Vie" event are supposed to be a one-time thing in OoW. Random loot could cause them to drop from other rares when the time comes, much as devs have allowed ST 1.0 loot to keep dropping post-awakening, but it's still way out of era right now.
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    This shouldn't be dropping on Mischief, definitely out of era.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    ST 1.0 loot isn't out of era, just because normally it would stop dropping due to the sleeper being woken (one of the worst designs they have done) doesn't change the fact that it is still in era.
    Xanathol likes this.
  6. Captain Video Augur

    I didn't say ST 1.0 was out-of-era. SInce it stops dropping in-era on a non-random loot server, devs must have manually added it to drop tables in order for it to keep showing up. It occurred to me that they might have thought ahead and coded the same kind of thing for the OoW Firiona Vie event(s), but managed to bug it somehow, so it might be dropping out-of-era.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    That reference may be a little too clever.
    Xanathol and Stymie like this.
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That is how I read it as I am not sure why it would be mentioned otherwise.
  9. Weaps Journeyman

    OK cool.. thanks for the feedback guys. I'd never even heard of that event before but it sounds pretty cool. I didn't know there were any one-time per server things other than the Sleeper! As for the item I guess I'll be keeping the shrinkwrap on my wallet for now hehe
  10. Stymie Pendragon

    I had to look it up. Evidently that quadrant of my brain couldn't grasp the inference. I learning something new today, so yay!
  11. Legosar New Member

    Yea if you see this on Mischief or Thornblade just report whoever is tryin to sell it. It is just a link via tell from a server that had it unlocked at one point. Most likely some ridiculous price and will most likely trade you Cone of the Mystics or something that looks similar... OoW is not out until mid 2022 on these servers and this special raid is the only way to get this item.
  12. Boze TLP complaint factory

    IDK, lots of different toons trying to sell it... of the Lost Pirate
  13. ForumBoss Augur

    They're required 65, and will not be that great when pop is out. I wouldn't buy them. The sellers are probably hoping that someone will see the mana regen, but not the req level, and pay a bunch of kronos (if indeed they are on the server).
  14. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    It's mischievous, baby!
    Gheed likes this.
  15. suinegEQ Elder

    They are indeed actually available on the server. Most of the sellers that I have seen are saying that it won't work until 65. It's not that great midway through PoP but at launch not the worst.
  16. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    The item necessary to turn in for this was dropping at one point but either was removed during the initial growth nerf, the tiering rebalance, or is really really rare. But yeah you can't use it until PoP at which point it's just a pretty good ranged item but nothing that would break the game. Biggest value is honestly just the rarity due to it being part of an old event that hasn't run in like a decade+.