[Request] Patches and test

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yinla, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Can we please leave things on test longer than 1 week?

    The hunter achievments are a prime example many of these were picked up on test and not fixed, an extra month on test along with fixes I'm sure would have stopped the 2 patches to fix them (with some still broken).

    Overseer was another one, it went on test for a little while longer than a week, but I was still finding bugs and reporting them the night before it went live, those did get fixed. Since Overseer went live there have been a whole host of problems with quests not having agents meeting requirements etc.Longer on test would have hopefully lead to these being fixed and players not getting upset that things don't work.

    The smaller stuff doesn't need to stay there longer but the larger stuff needs a lot more testing. Even if it gets pushed back a couple of months to get the fixes done BEFORE it goes to live servers.

    If the larger stuff needs more people testing it then ask the player base for help. Many are willing to help, just look at the number of players who log into beta every single year.
  2. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Im just glad they havent put some of the rare mobs ive seen in south karana that arent in the hunter my luck i never get them to spawn again lol.

    Elyssanda likes this.